Exactly.Removing the service or keeping the service makes no difference to us if he never used it to begin with
Why do you want to decide for them?On the other hand users with no experience who are high risk to themselves will have the choice of staying on stock or using better alternatives within Merlin
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't improve security.
So why remove it?
Why do you want to decide for them?
Let them decide whether they want to continue using AiCloud or turn it off.
Why do you feel the need to share you opinion 10 times about a feature you don’t use anyway?
And what Asus router with what version of Merlin firmware are you using these days?The problem was solved already with firmware updates to both Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin. No need to categorize, penalize and restrict users. They may want to run their routers with firewall disabled. There were cases like this... to "improve" the gaming. Their router, their choices.
And what Asus router with what version of Merlin firmware are you using these days?
I am more concerned in people who actually DO use it
I'm not sure why all of the ongoing anti-Asus rhetoric and confrontation with actual Merlin users is necessary.None. I made my choice. Just another non-AiCloud user like 95% of the responders in this thread.
I'm not sure why all of the ongoing anti-Asus rhetoric
It's called selective reading. Asus fixed the issue and even updated EoL models. My comment on this is here:
Malware damaging ASUS routers?
thanks never used any icloud services i keep it as simple as possible , less chance of problemswww.snbforums.com
The specific user you are standing behind removed the signature saying "I'm not an expert" and started expressing expert opinions about how Asuswrt-Merlin features have to be restricted to protect "people that will shoot themselves". I find it offensive to large majority of Asuswrt-Merlin users. This firmware is not intended for "experts". It has something for everyone in it. In case you're not sure about something else personal - my PM is working.
The reason why I'm opening the discussion this time however is that it's the third or fourth major security issue specific to AiCloud over the years since it was added, and this time the consequences were far more serious than previous times. So, I am questioning its continued existence more than before. Twice in the last year I've had to issue an out-of-bounds "emergency" release just for it, and both times I had to download stock firmware images to extract the necessary components from 6-8 different router firmwares as I can't patch that part of the code myself through an Asus-provided patch. I am lucky that the lighttpd modules are platform-specific, but not model-specific, so the modules from the RT-AX88U, for instance, can be reused for all bcm4908 models.The problem was solved already with firmware updates to both Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin. No need to categorize, penalize and restrict users. They may want to run their routers with firewall disabled. There were cases like this... to "improve" the gaming. Their router, their choices.
“Less features, but more secure” actually sounds good to me (if you don’t use the missing featuresThe last thing Merlin firmware needs is information circulating that it's got less features than stock Asus, i.e. inferior.
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