They do, for me at least.great and those 3 files keeps all values + icons? until they dont change the "logic" on next FW update
Much easier as messing with scripts, where i forget commands after some time
So hour of my life typing saved, thanks!![]()
Look, I really appreciate the folks who write scripts think its a better way to do it (and I am sure these approaches offer a myriad of advantages), but it's like buying a calculator with 500 functions when you really only need those for simple maths; everyone's needs are different and thought processes work in different ways.
I have an RT-AX86 with enought RAM, do not use scripts much (I tried Diversion for a couple of years), only have 40 or so DHCP reservations, so nvram is hopefully not too problematic.
For what I need (and it seems killeriq) what I want to do, the download / upload 3-files system works (has worked) well. All I really wanted to know was "is doing so on 386.4 still the same as before" While (in all sincerity) I appreciate the offer of a "better way", I'd appreciate if someone could let me know that my approach was will still "do the job", as it used to.
Thanks a lot
