Thanks Datalink!I'd argue with the idea that the 4582 is past its shelf life. The XB6 which is used for the Ignite TV service has two versions, the Arris TG-3482ER which uses the same Intel Puma 7 chipset, as does the 4582, with minor variation to add telephone service to the XB6. The other version is a Technicolor CGM4140COM which uses a Broadcom BCM-3390 chipset. The newer XB7 modem probably arrives in the same varieties, an Arris Intel Puma 7 and Technicolor BCM-3390, but, don't quote me on that one. Perhaps Arris has seen the light of day and is providing an XB7 with a Broadcom chipset. There's no good reason to switch to the Ignite TV service, other than for the purpose of upselling in an attempt to solve a problem for which there should be an easy resolution. Solve the problem instead of upselling the customers. Grrrrr.......
In any event, log into the 4582 and have a look at the STATUS .... DOCSIS WAN tab. Look at the bottom OFDM/OFDMA Overview section. If it shows that you have an OFDMA channel enabled, which is an upstream OFDMA channel, then you have problems. Rogers has been slowly enabling the OFDMA channel across the network. An unforeseen issue cropped up with the 4582 modems, with issues just as you have described, that is loss of upstream audio and video. As a result, Rogers has disabled OFDMA on some 4582 modems in affected areas. They are completely radio silent on the issue, so, no one outside of Rogers knows if this is a hardware issue, network noise issue, or an issue with the neighbourhood node or CMTS. Rogers is investigating the issue, but, there's been no word on this at all.
Beyond that, you could simply copy the signal data, from the Downstream Overview line, all the way to the bottom right hand corner of the OFDM/OFDMA Overview and post it here or on the Rogers Forum. That table will copy all in one go, which enables you to post it in forum. There's always the possibility of cable signal issues affecting the upstream data.
Are you running any other services such as a Nextbox for tv or a Home Phone which has its own modem?
Edit: Fwiw, I also use the Hitron CODA-4582 in Bridge mode with an 86U behind it. We've never had the OFDMA channel enabled, so, haven't seen any of these issues so far. Rogers needs to sort this out pretty quickly, or come to the conclusion that its time to switch all 4582 users to a Broadcom modem. That will be a little expensive, abandoning all of the 4582 modems at the same time.
Now I can tell my family that this not my fault
No, I do not have any other modem or Rogers service, just gigabit internet
Now questions:
- my Rogers modem is bridge mode, and I do not think I can login - so I have to reset it in order to login and check OFDMA setting?
- I requested - thru Rogers Community forum - to get that new FW for my modem - - it is worth getting anyway, right?
- should I just cut the chaze and request Rogers support to disable OFDMA?