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Migrate YazDHCP files to Stock Firmware - anyone done this?

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Very Senior Member
I am upgrading from an AX88U (long running Asuswrt-merlin) to a new AX88U Pro. I see that presently, the AX88U Pro only has Asuswrt-Merlin alpha firmwares.
Before I dive into the alphas, I have ~70 static addresses for clients on my network. I use YazDHCP and see that he appends to /etc/dnsmasq.conf pointers to his .staticlist and .hostnames in /jffs/addons/YazDHCP.d.

Any chance I can use these files with the stock firmware? I know that Asus has moved some to jffs (I see files in /jffs/nvram such as dhcp_staticlist and custom_clientlist).

If anyone has migrated before, can you post how you did it?

If not, anyone that has stock firmware and has setup a number of dhcp static address, can you:

1) Post the output of "nvram show | grep dhcp"
2) Post an example of /jffs/nvram/dhcp_staticlist and /jffs/nvram/custom_clientlist (redacted if you want)

There is a new Beta firmware for your model.
Any chance I can use these files with the stock firmware? I know that Asus has moved some to jffs (I see files in /jffs/nvram such as dhcp_staticlist and custom_clientlist).
Not sure it will work on stock firmware, but one option other than YazDHCP is to put manual IP reservations in a file like this: /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add
The format for the reservation would go something like this:
Not sure it will work on stock firmware, but one option other than YazDHCP is to put manual IP reservations in a file like this: /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add
The format for the reservation would go something like this:
I don't see a /jffs/configs directory on stock. I believe that is part of the Merlin Magic (tm).

BTW, like you MAC addresses. When I used to sling code, I had some firmwares that needed a 32 bit "magic number". I used all kinds of derivations of hex A B C D E F with a few "0" and "1" thrown in. ;-)
I would make a backup in YazDHCP, uninstall YazDHCP and then use SSH method to transfer the reservations. It was some time ago, but I remember YazDHCP converts the reservations to router default format on uninstall.
but I remember YazDHCP converts the reservations to router default format on uninstall.
It doesn’t convert the YazDHCP reservations. It only restores the nvram variables as they were before installation.

Any chance I can use these files with the stock firmware? I know that Asus has moved some to jffs (I see files in /jffs/nvram such as dhcp_staticlist and custom_clientlist).
The issue on stock is that there is no hook to amend the dnsmasq.conf file when dnsmasq starts/restarts.
Yeah, I saw that. I ended up taking @Jack Yaz exported csv, ran it through a few scripts and made it compatible with stock FW.
Im running the AX88U Pro with stock and have all my static reservations installed (and working!).

The latest stock just stores all of the statics in a file (dhcp_staticlist) in /jffs/nvram. Converted file went there and voila - all the statics show up in WebUI and nvram.
ran it through a few scripts and made it compatible with stock FW.
To help others interested, what scripts do you use to make it compatible with the stock firmware? In other words what process or steps did you use.
Sure, this is what worked for me:


while IFS=, read MAC IP HN
echo "<"$MAC">"$IP">>"$HN
done < $1 | tr -d '\r\n' > $1.cvrt
A few caveats:

1) I removed the first line of YazDHCP’s cvs file (Header) and made sure to save a comma seperated file.
2) All of my entries had a host name - so the third field (HN) was always an ascii word. You might need to check for $HN being null and modify the echo line. Not sure, I might play around with that today.

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