In any event - we're getting so close to the
Shannon Limit, things like this are incremental at best...
We keep finding ways to push it, and with WiFi, we're actually closer to that limit than LTE or WAN Fibre...
And once that limit is hit, it's all just noise...
That's the practical limit that the startup I was part of hit with Mesh, and this is the same limit that hits MU...
MU gets to a point where the channel is totally saturated - no more coherent energy can be put into the channel and extracted at the other end, as Eb/No is a hard limit - and that's what worries me about MU - it's not the local BSS, it's the adjacent BSS that can suffer...
Things like MU, QAM1024, this MegaMIMO - these are all technologies on the long tail - and they're out in the parking lot picking up nickels so to speak... spending a lot of time to get little benefit within the construct we consider WiFi with backwards compatibility going all the way back to 802.11 (pre-B) and 802.11a.
My sidebar thoughts here is that we've hit a practical limit with CMSA/CA in WiFi that perhaps we need to go to a scheduled MAC, where we do collision detection rather than avoidance, but this isn't backwards compatible with WiFi, but in the time domain, does help...