what does the diagnostic page show for the link rates for each connection node active ?
is that what you are quoting above ?
If not, you should use the diagnostic/ link rate page to validate the coax network first.
If you are measuring with a PC out to the internet, there are lots of variables in play. Check the link rate on the ethernet adapter as sometimes, they get stuck at 100 mbit instead of 1,000 mbit when the connection is made.
iperf with parallel streams would be what i would use for local network diagnosis with PCs.
if nothing is anomalous in the above, then most likely a poor termination or possibly a bad cable. In reality, 100mbit is plenty fast for normal household usage.
Yes, I was using the public speed testing to see what those devices were getting outside the network. Totally understand that introduces additional variables, but it's also more realistic to what other users on the network will experience in use and provides at least some sort of comparison for speeds outside the network before and after, despite being flawed.
here's what I'm seeing the link rates page. If I'm reading this correctly, I'm seeing exceptional connection rates between the 5 nodes. Is that right?
This makes me wonder why I'm seeing one node with a dramatically lower public speed test rate compared to the others....maybe it's the the actual Wireless AP that's causing issue and not the device. Will hook up a PC to the link this weekend to do direct ping tests to see how it performs.