Regular Contributor
Usually this is caused by a 'corruption' of the Selective Routing configuration - i.e. the firewall has unexpectedly restarted (due to manual tinkering with QOS or other features in the GUI?) but it depends on the router model/firmware/features enabled etc.
You could try this crude debugging script when it fails, or schedule it using cru/cron to track/dump the status of the Selective Routing environment to Syslog.
Code:#!/bin/sh # Debugging Selective routing use cru/cron Say(){ echo -e $$ $@ | logger -st "($(basename $0))" } SayT() { echo -e $$ $@ | logger -t "($(basename $0))" } ANSIColours() { cRESET="\e[0m";cBLA="\e[30m";cRED="\e[31m";cGRE="\e[32m";cYEL="\e[33m";cBLU="\e[34m";cMAG="\e[35m";cCYA="\e[36m";cGRA="\e[37m" cBGRA="\e[90m";cBRED="\e[91m";cBGRE="\e[92m";cBYEL="\e[93m";cBBLU="\e[94m";cBMAG="\e[95m";cBCYA="\e[96m";cBWHT="\e[97m" aBOLD="\e[1m";aDIM="\e[2m";aUNDER="\e[4m";aBLINK="\e[5m";aREVERSE="\e[7m" cRED_="\e[41m";cGRE_="\e[42m" } ANSIColours VPN_ROUTES= WAN_IP= for VPN_TAB in 254 $(ip route show table 254 | grep -oE "tun1[1|2|3|4|5]" | sort ) do [ "$VPN_TAB" != "254" ] && VPN_TAB=$(echo $VPN_TAB | sed 's/tun1/11/') echo -e $cBWHT Say "VPN Client" ${VPN_TAB:2:1} "route Table:" $VPN_TAB echo -en $cBMAG AROUTE=$(ip route show table $VPN_TAB | awk ' /default/ {print $3}') if [ -z "$(echo "$VPN_ROUTES" | grep -oF $AROUTE )" ];then VPN_ROUTES=$VPN_ROUTES" "$AROUTE else echo -e $cBRED"\a" TXT="ALREADY used by a previous VPN Client" if [ "$WAN_IP" == "$AROUTE" ];then TXT="is via the WAN!!!" fi Say "***ERROR*** VPN Client" ${VPN_TAB:2:1} "route" $AROUTE $TXT echo -e $cRESET fi # Obfuscate IP address <optional> ip route show table $VPN_TAB | grep -E "^0\.|^128.|^default|tun1" ip route show table $VPN_TAB | grep -E "^0\.|^128.|^default|tun1" >>/tmp/syslog.log if [ "$VPN_TAB" != "254" ];then DEV=$(ip route show table $VPN_TAB | grep -v "default" | grep -oE "tun1[1|2|3|4|5]" ) if [ "tun1"${VPN_TAB:2:1} != "$DEV" ];then echo -e $cBRED"\a" Say "***ERROR*** RPDB rules will be misdirected for VPN Client" ${VPN_TAB:2:1} echo -e $cRESET else if [ ! -z "$(ip route show table $VPN_TAB | grep -E "^0\.|^128.]")" ];then echo -e $cBRED"\a" Say "***ERROR***Selective routing NOT enabled! - table 'main' is routing ALL traffic via VPN" echo -e $cRESET fi fi else WAN_IP=$AROUTE fi done echo -e $cBWHT Say "RPDB rules:" echo -en $cBMAG ip rule;ip rule >>/tmp/syslog.log echo -e $cBWHT Say "Count of active RPDB rules:" echo -en $cBGRE # How many entities Selectively routed ip rule | grep -v "fwmark" | grep -oE "lookup.*ovpnc[1-5]+" | sort -k 2 | uniq -c ip rule | grep -v "fwmark" | grep -oE "lookup.*ovpnc[1-5]+" | sort -k 2 | uniq -c >>/tmp/syslog.log SayT "Summary:$(ip rule | grep -v "fwmark" | grep -oE "lookup.*ovpnc[1-5]+" | sort -k 2 | uniq -c)" echo -e $cRESET exit 0
You may get a clue in finding the issue either in the RPDB rules (less likely though can happen) or the actual individual Selective routing tables (highly likely).
@Martineau, I just had to give this script a try. Please understand I am a noob when it comes to try and figure out what is happening here but when I ran the script with only VPN Client 3 active I received the following output. Client 3 has policy rules configured for 1 PC to utilize the VPN. My concern is why Client 4 shows up and the error "RPDB rules will be misdirected for VPN Client 3. Any help is appreciated.
admin@RT-AC86U:/tmp/mnt/USB1/scripts# ./Debug_VPN.sh
(Debug_VPN.sh): 14046 VPN Client 4 route Table: 254
default via xxx.xxx.156.1 dev eth0 dev tun13 proto kernel scope link src
(Debug_VPN.sh): 14046 VPN Client 3 route Table: 113 via dev tun13
default via dev tun13 via dev tun13 dev tun13 proto kernel scope link src via dev tun13
(Debug_VPN.sh): 14046 ***ERROR*** RPDB rules will be misdirected for VPN Client 3
(Debug_VPN.sh): 14046 RPDB rules:
0: from all lookup local
10501: from 192.168.xxx.103 lookup ovpnc3
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
(Debug_VPN.sh): 14046 Count of active RPDB rules:
1 lookup ovpnc3