Hello all,
name.com isn't listed in Asus Merlin custom DDNS scripts, but it's DNS update API could be used to easily update your subdomain A RECORD.
Here is short tutorial if you use name.com and want to have working DDNS on your domain without any custom DDNS providers.
1. Create DNS A record for subdomain. Our example will be merlin.example.com where "merlin" is host and "example.com" is domain.
2. Go to https://www.name.com/account/settings/api and create new token. Remember your USERNAME and TOKEN.
3. In linux terminal enter this command, but replace USERNAME, TOKEN and example.com with valid entries:
4. You will get all your DNS records in JSON format. What you need is ID number next to your A record for "merlin.example.com".
5. When you find your ID we are ready for Merlin script! This is script:
In this script you need to change:
USERNAME = your API username on name.com
TOKEN = your API token on name.com
example.com = replace with your domain
IDNUMBER = replace with DNS record ID number your found in step 3.
merlin = replace with your subdomain in DNS record in step 3.
This script will update your A record for imaginary "merlin.example.com" subdomain hosted on name.com nameservers.
I could make this script easier with variables, but this is enough for start.Only issue here for people without linux is step 3.
EDIT: Non issue. If you are not using Linux desktop, you can just SSH into router (with Putty or something else) and run command from there to see result.
These are docs for API of name.com
name.com isn't listed in Asus Merlin custom DDNS scripts, but it's DNS update API could be used to easily update your subdomain A RECORD.
Here is short tutorial if you use name.com and want to have working DDNS on your domain without any custom DDNS providers.
1. Create DNS A record for subdomain. Our example will be merlin.example.com where "merlin" is host and "example.com" is domain.
2. Go to https://www.name.com/account/settings/api and create new token. Remember your USERNAME and TOKEN.
3. In linux terminal enter this command, but replace USERNAME, TOKEN and example.com with valid entries:
curl -u 'USERNAME:TOKEN' 'https://api.name.com/v4/domains/example.com/records'
5. When you find your ID we are ready for Merlin script! This is script:
curl -s -u 'USERNAME:TOKEN' 'https://api.name.com/v4/domains/example.com/records/IDNUMBER' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"host":"merlin","type":"A","answer":"'"$1"'","ttl":300}' >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 1
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
In this script you need to change:
USERNAME = your API username on name.com
TOKEN = your API token on name.com
example.com = replace with your domain
IDNUMBER = replace with DNS record ID number your found in step 3.
merlin = replace with your subdomain in DNS record in step 3.
This script will update your A record for imaginary "merlin.example.com" subdomain hosted on name.com nameservers.
I could make this script easier with variables, but this is enough for start.
EDIT: Non issue. If you are not using Linux desktop, you can just SSH into router (with Putty or something else) and run command from there to see result.
Name.com API Documentation
Name.com offers world class domain name registration that includes industry leading customer service and tools.
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