Hello everyone so SORRY for the long await. Had many personal things that happened in my life, mom in the hospital being one had to push this project aside. I finally did get the cable tester and did all my testing. Using trial and error I managed to figure out a couple things, where most cables went and i realized as well I have some extra cabling that I do not know where they go. I used the cable tester recommended and was able to find many things. Since the cables are labeled the same from the coaxial and cat5e cables I tested the Cat5e first because it was easier. I found where each spot on the wall goes to and I found like 3 extras with nowhere the other end is. With the coaxial cables they were labeled the same as the cat5e so once I found out where the cat5e went I used reasoning to believe that the coaxial goes the same way. One thing I noticed as I mentioned there was extra cat5e cabling I believe the extras lead outside to the box as I can see that there is about two blue cables with the cable cut off at the end. My question is why would that be there if it leads nowhere? And now what now do I do? I think would it be as simple as changing the router location to where the PS4 is from the previous pictures and then plugging a port to the router and getting a AP? or would I need some more work. Here is also updated picture of the plan