Senior Member
Hey all,
Just thought I'd share that Netdata is now available on entware-ng, which I'm quite a fan of. I know there are some other people out there who also enjoy pretty graphs
Browse to http://<router_ip>:19999
Just a note from the wiki:
Some screenshots...
Just thought I'd share that Netdata is now available on entware-ng, which I'm quite a fan of. I know there are some other people out there who also enjoy pretty graphs
opkg update
opkg install netdata
/etc/init.d/S60netdata start
Browse to http://<router_ip>:19999
Just a note from the wiki:
Embedded devices usually have very limited RAM resources available.
There are 2 settings for you to tweak:
By default update every = 1 and history = 3600. This gives you an hour of data with per second updates.
- update every, which controls the data collection frequency
- history, which controls the size of the database in RAM
If you set update every = 2 and history = 1800, you will still have an hour of data, but collected once every 2 seconds. This will cut in half both CPU and RAM resources consumed by netdata.
You can also disable plugins you don't need. Disabling the plugins will also free both CPU and RAM resources.
Some screenshots...
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