Well it was a little harder than that

I got the router, and unboxed it.
I turned off my R7800.
I connected the Asus to a laptop that I had configured to use the range Tried to connect to the Asus, but I couldn't ping it. Tried affer changing the network configuration of my laptop of course. Still no luck.
I remembered a YouTuber saying he had to install the application on his cellphone to configure the router. So I installed the app, and saw that the Asus had the IP So I changed my network configuration on my laptop and tried to connect with an ethernet cable to the router. No luck.
So I configured the WiFi using my cellphone, a pain in the bottom

I don't know why, but only the 2.4GHz radio would show up. I configured the 5GHz with the same password, but... And then, suddenly, it worked. I could log on using the 5GHz radio.
I did a few tweaks to connect it to my internet box but that part was easy.
I then updated the firmware using the option of the router. I'm now using , latest firmware it says.
I'm testing now the router to see how it works, how it handles my devices. So far, seems ok. But I don't think the WiFi is better than my R7800. Actually, it might be a little worse. I have a 1000Mbps/60Mbps and my old Lenovo laptop and got only 150Mbps download. It's in the living room, 10m from the router. But my MacBook Air got 750Mbps/60Mbps 3 meters from the router. So it's not bad.
Do any of you have any advice on how to get the best out of this new router ? Something that I should turn off ? Turn on ? I turned on the AiProtection, not sure if it has an impact on the performance ?
Thanx for all your comments