Occasional Visitor
Mi gosh - just thinking how this would happen - watching Law and Order...
No Knock Warrant - Boom! - they jump into your house, you in pajamas... we're here to install the INTERNET....
Hi sfx, there is a photo of the maddening no peek sticker in my post above #13 although I may have effed it up trying to attach it in a way that meets the forum requirements (newbness issues) - let me know if it didn't work and I'll try again.
I like that scenario - 'oh how DARE you open our box!, you are hereby TERMINATED from FiOS, you thug box opener!'
But alas it's not to be...I live in manhattan in a doorman building (which is somewhat of a strange beast compared to folks with real houses) . . . visitors must first get past the DM, who "announces" an arrival (visitor) and queries the resident (me in this case) whether such person can proceed onward or not. So it would be more like ...
---Buuullleeep [pause]---
"A Verizon representative is here requesting to come upstairs to meet you, he says he is here to install internet service. Can he come up?"
"Yes I'm expecting him, thanks."
---bzzzzzzt [I push the holy grail button to confirm the chap's entry upward]---
[wait 25 seconds for elevator to arrive, 10 seconds more for him to locate the correct door]
-BZZZZZZZZZZZZ...[the actual door buzzer]..."Warrant - Boom! - they jump into your house, you in pajamas... we're here to install the INTERNET"
Now I'm a tiny bit of a practical jokester, so this is the moment I might open the door and say something to prank him/her a bit. I'll think on that this week and see if I conjure up something witty to do. Or I could open the box, take out the gear, fill said box with ping pong balls or drywall screws or something - carefully retape it so when he opens it he's like why the F did Verizon HQ send this??
Actually I wonder if this week I can find a US robotics 56k modem from like 99/2000 to put in the box. I think that would be a hoot.