I just have change of ISP and I have a issue with ntp on my asus 86u:
- The previous ISP was with ISP modem (+bridge mode) and asus 86u routeur with static ip and I didn't have ntp issue
- The new ISP is with dynamic ip and fiber connection
- Using latest stock asus firmware, I can have the router synchronized with the ntp server => the ISP doesn't seem to be in cause
- if I connect to the routeur and I try ntp command I get a timeout
the DNS doesn't seem to be in cause.
I have try to change ntp_ready=1 and
but it doesn't help.
Any idea is very welcome
I just have change of ISP and I have a issue with ntp on my asus 86u:
- The previous ISP was with ISP modem (+bridge mode) and asus 86u routeur with static ip and I didn't have ntp issue
- The new ISP is with dynamic ip and fiber connection
- Using latest stock asus firmware, I can have the router synchronized with the ntp server => the ISP doesn't seem to be in cause
- if I connect to the routeur and I try ntp command I get a timeout
ntp -w -p pool.ntp.org
ntp: timed out waiting for, reach 0x00, next query in 2s
nvram show | grep ntp
size: 66363 bytes (64709 left)
rc_support=mssid 2.4G 5G usbX2 update switchctrl manual_stb pwrctrl WIFI_LOGO nandflash smart_connect movistarTriple wifi2017 meoVoda gameMode app reboot_schedule ipv6 ipv6pt PARENTAL2 dnsfilter am_addons ntpd dnspriv dualwan pptpd openvpnd utf8_ssid printer modem webdav rrsut cloudsync media appbase timemachine hdspindown diskutility nfsd dnssec dblog bwdpi wrs_wbl tor HTTPS letsencrypt ssh vpnc repeater psta wl6 optimize_xbox wifi_tog_btn user_low_rssi tcode usericon stainfo cloudcheck realip wtfast ipsec_srv mumimo netool cfg_sync no_finiwl amas bcmwifi dfs bcmhnd eula proxysta
service restart_ntp
service restart_ntpd
service start_ntp
service start_ntpd
Any idea is very welcome