Well, this is a start...last time a router came along that had a Marvell chip set in it and I was interested in it, there was not going to be any third-party or open source firmware support for it (Linksys E4200v2). So I couldn't use it *smile*. Seems as though Marvell now sees the value of having open source firmware available for this one, glad to see it.
It is hard for a company with a history of proprietary software/firmware to swing around to full support of open source. Usually there's a deep-seated cultural belief that their business is based on that proprietary software/firmware. So it also isn't surprising to see them not provide a top-quality open source driver the first time around. But something to start with, and maybe better quality to come when they really start to believe that open source firmware can help sell their hardware. I guess that time will tell, and that Marvell will be keeping an eye on what this does for their bottom line *smile*.
For me, great news!
If it is the same BS as the broadcom opensource drivers, then forget it.
If you look at the openwrt dev comments, then it really sounds like the driver, that was posted, is unusable. Who knows if the performance of that oss driver is any close to the closed source which is not even as good as broadcoms, according to snb benchmark.
Thus the intention of opening up is just a disguise.
Now nobody can sue them for false advertising.
According to what I have seen, their own firmware sucks completely and includes lot of bugs too, just look at the linksys forum.
For $300 I expect a lot more. Right now getting an AC68U or R7000 is the better choice. They have DD-WRT support and soon Tomato support.