Okay, here's one that I ran into that people seem to believe works to reduce bufferbloat. The rt-n66u sets txqueuelen up at 1000, and you can set that lower and play with this value by using this example command:
Code:ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10
This is per-interface, can be done for eth0, eth1, and eth2, I believe. It is something to try.
You can display the current value with this:
Code:ifconfig eth0
You should be able to put your command line into the "init-start" script, when you've determined the value that you want to use. Use some care when reducing this, as I'm sure that there is a minimum value where things may just fall apart, you don't want to be below that, and there may be dynamic effects that might cause that minimum value to change. So I'd just set a reasonable value, and see how it goes, maybe test with netalyzr and see what's been gained before changing it again.
If I use "ifconfig eth0" on the administration console I get this error Message
"ifconfig: eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found"
Is it also possible to do it on the RT-N56U? And do I need to do it for every eth port?
I have a RT-N56U. I would try to reduce the number from 1000 to 500. Then I should see on Netalyzr if it helps or not