Removed it from quotes.I've xxx'd out the final bit of the WAN address, though it still appears in some of the replies.
Removed it from quotes.I've xxx'd out the final bit of the WAN address, though it still appears in some of the replies.
Can the Asus recovery tool be used to reflash Merlin or should I go back to stock (first)?
Tried the ISP miracle cure of leaving everything disconnected for a few minutes thinking it would grab a new WAN IP... nope. No change.
It can take hours or even days, which is why cloning the MAC is a much quicker and easier solution. You can choose any LAN MAC, doesn't matter, in fact if you use the one of the PC you were connecting directly, your router should get the same IP that PC was getting, and that would be an excellent test to see if it now works.
Won't hurt anything, and worse case you just disable the cloning. Best process is to power off the modem, clone the MAC in the router and wait for it to finish applying, then power on the modem.
No change after flipping either or both TTL options.
Ah, I get what we're trying to do with the MAC Clone now. Curious to try that tonight...
I've tried connecting via work VPN (SonicWall NetExtender) and get the same result. Happy to try others (maybe outside the US?) if helpful in tracking down the hiccup.
Ah, I get what we're trying to do with the MAC Clone now. Curious to try that tonight...
I've tried connecting via work VPN (SonicWall NetExtender) and get the same result. Happy to try others (maybe outside the US?) if helpful in tracking down the hiccup.
Since it appears he’s getting ipv6 as well maybe disabling ipv6 altogether might help.Try cloning the MAC of the device you tried connecting directly to the modem (that successfully loaded that site). That should hopefully result in the router getting the same IP, though the lease may have expired and been given to someone else. But even if that is the case, it may get you a different subnet which should resolve the problem if it was a routing or blacklisting issue.
Odd as I've read Optimum does not support IPv6. The RT-AC5300 says IPv6 is disabled though the firewall is on.
EDIT: No "Famous Server List" is selected in the IPv6 firewall section.
View attachment 51863
Odd as I've read Optimum does not support IPv6. The RT-AC5300 says IPv6 is disabled though the firewall is on.
EDIT: No "Famous Server List" is selected in the IPv6 firewall section.
View attachment 51863
I was just going by what you said earlier.
“The RT-AC5300 WAN IP says That matches up with What's My IP, which says IPv6 is ::ffff:ae2c:e9fd. I'll have to try connecting directly as the world permits me to take down the network again.”
Huh. MAC Clone solved it - the pages now fully load! Thank you! Wonder what caused it...
Guessing I have to run "cloned" for some time until the ISP releases my prior IP. Is there any harm in doing so?
EDIT: Thinking it may not be a bad idea to do a full factory reset/restore tool/etc given all the tinkering...
Huh. MAC Clone solved it - the pages now fully load! Thank you! Wonder what caused it...
Guessing I have to run "cloned" for some time until the ISP releases my prior IP. Is there any harm in doing so?
EDIT: Thinking it may not be a bad idea to do a full factory reset/restore tool/etc given all the tinkering...
Thread starter | Title | Forum | Replies | Date |
N | Wireguard Site to Site problem with clients | Asuswrt-Merlin | 11 | |
M | OpenVPN / site to site with special security/routing constraints | Asuswrt-Merlin | 7 | | Website Site Down? | Asuswrt-Merlin | 18 |
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