rc3 rebuild, 9.5MB
We have two interesting profiling here, @Protik and @jrmwvu04. About the same amount of slh, the equilibrium point of memory use is quite different, 5MB vs 9.5MB.
The underlying cause to my guess is that protik is non Apple/Safari user while jrmwvu04 is a primary Apple/Safari user. (am I right?)
Safari doesn't support latest session resumption technology (for an unknown design decision) while Chrome/Firefox do. This gives extra memory pressure on pixelserv-tls.
While that's part of the story, the other half is that (I suspect) OpenSSL is not efficient in memory use/cleanup in its implementation on the older session resumption.
I encourage Mac users to try a day or two solely on Chrome/Firefox and check (and report) pixelserv-tls memory use.