Nothing to be concerned about. I used to have a very similar cls% as well, a few moons ago. One thing I might suggest you try to see if it works for you is running with the "-o [number]" option to cap the timeout of a request, as I see your tmx is 10 seconds and your average as such is higher than I'm used to. I use "-o 1" myself. I got a more appreciated result with that. If you are using ab solution I think you have to maybe set the option through there, though I'm not sure. I'm not a user myself.
I appreciate the advice. I did try playing with the -o option. Values ranging from 1 to 15 didn't reduce the cls%.
Mstombs, that sheds a little more light... I know near zero about how https works. I skinned over the code and was also attracted to socket_handler.c... seems that's where the data gets piped to /servstats. Most of it is over my head, but it did seem to increment disconnect data by parsing the text of 'syslog' events. Without proper understanding of https connections though, I can't say whether commenting out some piping would make servstats more 'sensible'? Perhaps my lack of https knowledge is my real problem.
Not sure if it makes a diff... but I am running an n66u on a 25/35mbit connection (fiber in home... speedtests match/exceed what I pay for 24/7)... I know... I really need to upgrade.
Maybe this config may lead to timing issues?
[edit: I figured this out, I think.
Do clients without a imported Pixelserv root certificates result in a very high cls? ...
I just imported root certs from my router (/opt/var/cache/pixelserv/ca.crt after installing ab-solution) to a couple of test clients and started hammering some ad servers. The cls was pretty much static during this test (req and slh climbed thousands without a single cls++). I think this is the proverbial nail in the coffin.
I've got lots of clients on my home network (different os's, many 'internet only guests' hanging out). I don't mind importing the cert on my family's devices just to keep the bits choochin' like they're supposed to. Would guest devices (without imported certs) make the system work harder in any way? In other words, do 'client disconnect before connection accepted' events result in more cpu overhead?
I also will play with lowering -o... since it seems killing it early might make some pages load faster, with (I think) no real consequence other than more disconnects.]