Part of the Furniture
I was hoping to see some evidence of the Download rate "not working" versus how you apply settings in the GUI.@dave14305 I have started a conversation with you and sent you a link to the video of me replicating the issue for you (didn't want to post wan IP etc publically).
This is what thesystem log says below after clicking "apply" in flexQOS:
Download limiter does not work again for adaptive QOS unless I restart VPN clients on router (I have sent in a separate private message the system log of me stopping and starting both clients which fixes issue), restart router, and/or turn internet connection of on router homepage (internet connection ON:OFF switch).
Notice anything strange in the logs (in this message AND the two I sent you via private message)?
Why does simply restarting VPN tunnels rectify the issue?

Your issues may have to do with the special QoS vpn up/down handler in Merlin's code (not suggesting fault, just the interaction between the two needs investigating). Please run this command before and after your tests (I prefer to see the rules plainly with -S, then see the stats with -nvL):
iptables -t mangle -S
iptables -t mangle -nvL
-A POSTROUTING -o br0 -m mark --mark 0x40000000/0xc0000000 -j MARK --set-xmark 0x80000000/0xC0000000
rule is missing in the "after" output, we may have to check with RMerlin on what the expectation should be for reapplying the VPN QoS fix when QoS is restarted but the VPN client is not.I don't have any VPN clients setup, so I do not test any VPN scenarios.