Part of the Furniture
OK, so after entering the rule for .183 and immediately running ip rule I get:
:/tmp/home/root# ip rule add from table ovpnc1 prior 10101
:/tmp/home/root# ip rule
0: from all lookup local
10101: from lookup ovpnc1
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
So, thats good news right? However if I go to the GUI and press "Apply" for *any* changes, the rules get erased and it reverts to no rules. We are on to something but I dont think it is anything good.
EDIT: attached log from "apply" No changes were made to anything other than command line rule entry, I checked the rule, it worked, I then went to GUI ( screenshot above) and hit APPLY.
I realize that applying the rules manually *then* restarting the GUI via Apply is NOT going to work since that will reset the rules. What I was suggesting is letting the GUI get connected and configured, waiting a few seconds, then applying the rules. But NOT because I believe this is a long-term solution (or even short-term). That's much too tedious. I merely suggested it as a means to confirm that indeed the problem is the failure of the OpenVPN client to add these same rules (for reasons that are currently NOT known) and not something else we may have overlooked.
IOW, we still need to figure out why these rules are not being applied by the GUI.