OK, let's see if I can work that out...pls bare in mind, that I am not a firewall rules instructor
I think you need an INPUT rule (and as you proved that a FORWARD does have no effect), because:
FORWARD rules apply to communication *between* interfaces or IP-Networks.
This is where routing takes place.
The gateway (router) hosting the interfaces is responsible for routing between networks, but its OS is a destination on these networks too.
Your VPN clients are on their own network and their gateway is associated with the tunX interface in the router.
Your ISP network is associated with the wan interface
Your Home-LAN is associated with the eth0/lan/br0 interface (br0 links the wlan side),
So your router has multiple interfaces at the same time.
These interfaces with different IPs have the same endpoint...the local OS of the router (with their gateway address of that network, associated with the local Interface).
The UI is available on dedicated ports on *all* interfaces (if not specifically set to lan only).
All packets to one of these interfaces do not need routing locally.
So a packet to the router-OS itself, like to the UI, from tun-side to the lan-side do not need to get routed.
The packet is "already there, at its destination" when it reaches the tunX IF and no FORWARD gets applied....unlike for other computers/destinations on your lan.
...rules using interfaces instead of network/IPs:
You can base rules on interfaces (-i parameter) or networks (IP).
As an interface is associated with an IP ( or more IPs if part of multiple networks) using rules for IPs also inherit (partly) a rule for interface(s).
A rule for an interface however will work regardless of the IPs/networks associated with it.
So yes, a rule with "-i tun+" will block *all* traffic from *all* tun IF (the "+" is a wildcard).
Your rule, based on a network for one VPN-Server inherits the *one* tunX interface in its rule,..but not *all* tunX.