Hi wonder if anyone can help. I have a MoCA setup in my house. Everything normally works fine. I have the cable modem connected to a router which is brand new. I have then connected from the router to the Motorola MoCA box. Then into the coax. Then in my study out of the coax into another Motorola MoCA box and then into a netgear switch. I have two gaming pcs connected to the switch. One is my sons gaming machine and one is mine. When I download a large file whilst he is playing an online game he is getting freezes lag etc. However if we are both gaming we get no problems. Tested MoCA speed and getting almost a 1gigbit connection around the house. I’m on 380mbjt internet connection. Tested both pcs and get 380mbit to the pcs when doing a speed test. It’s really strange as everything seems to work fine. I’ve also check to see how much bandwidth I’m using when I’m downloading a file whilst he is gaming and there is plenty of headroom. It’s weird it’s almost like downloading files interferes with gaming. But gaming does not cause a problem with other gaming. Router is a brand new qnap qhora. Switches are new etc. Everything seems to work great. I’ve even tried throttling my downloads and it still cause a problem but only when downloading on one pc and gaming on another.
It’s driving me bonkers as I love the MoCA setup is flawless apart from this one problem please can anyone shed any light on this?
It’s driving me bonkers as I love the MoCA setup is flawless apart from this one problem please can anyone shed any light on this?