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Am i correct that the new with Variable Fan Speed Control NAS is 4300N. While the one without is 4300 without the "N" in the end.
If they are both "4300N" Model, how could i tell which one is new version and which one is not. The place i live in all have blue box and no red as mentioned.
Does that mean they are all new?
Also wondering why the review only concentrate on Raid 5. How about non Raid pure read and write test?
Hello iwod, original we were going to change the model number but we agreed that it would give the impression that it was a "new" product therefore we decided to leave the name the same and delay the transition of the new packaging (currently used by NS2300N) until the Rev B model was ready.
For online purchasing, I will be working with our sales team on a way to clear old inventory before the new one hits. The new model also features improved LED (brighter green like NS2300N with the light actually wrapping around the lightpipe).
I will keep everyone updated. This just one of the small things that are still be worked out and that also delayed the release.
Here is a list of FW changes for NS4300N Rev A and Rev B plus NS2300N. NS4300N Rev A and Rev B FW will be SR5 while the NS2300N will hit SR1. Tim will cover NS2300N soon. =)
Changes coming in SR1 FW for NS2300N and SR5 FW for NS4300N (this list is subject to change, meaning more features and or fixes, not less):
- Remove join AD domain and NIS domain Feature (NS2300N ONLY)
- Remove RAID1 migrate to RAID0 feature on NS2300N and remove RAID 5 /RAID 1 to RAID 0 Migration
- Support 32 online clients to access NS2300N at the same time.
- Add recycle bin feature (customer will be able to disable and enable)
- Add DDNS feature (Dynamic DNS)
- Supports read and write an USB drive with NTFS format.
- Support port settings for SMTP (many ISP block port 25 so some may need to customize)
- Disable the directory “PLUGINAPP” (directory will still exist but will be hidden)
- Turn on the system led to red color when using locate feature with NAS.
- Add a status bar in WebPASM when system is busy.
- Support Bonjour Discovery and Printer Service (Such as AFP / iTunes /Printer Service / SMB / FTP)
- Improve AFP performance. (The same as SMB protocol – Performance will increase 25 to 50 percent)
- Add File System Check function to resolve file system errors.
- Add AFP particular setting page for share folder permission. (Default setting is R/W)
- Add AFP protocol particular setting page (user can customize welcome message)
- Add a test button for email notification in WebPASM.
- Add Hard Drive Spin-down and also turn off the HDD led when HDD is spin down (This applies to NS2300N for hard drive spin and turning off HDD led applies to both NS2300N and NS4300N.
- Fix Special Characters with AD Domain
- Ability to disable Guest Access on the Public Directory
- Fan Control Optimizations (NS4300N Rev B ONLY)
Any other questions or concerns, please let me know.
