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Question about netflix on devices

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i did that i set up netflix as block on opendns, with my modem/networks ip. and it does block it but block all with in my network, and when i set parnetal/dns filter to on and made global off, without even putting a mac/ip in filter yet it was still blocking all.

Do you get the OpenDNS error page or just a DNS error shown by the browser? Anything more specific? You didn't set OpenDNS as your DNS on the WAN page did you? Where it says "Connect to DNS Server automatically" on the WAN page, make sure it's not OpenDNS, it just needs to be on the parental filter page. And instead of "OpenDNS Home" or something, I just used "custom 1" and input the OpenDNS address
shows message that it was block by opendns, and yes i do by defualt have my router setup to use opendns servers to for all connections, so to do this i would have stop using opendns as dns provider for whole network, and just specify it in dns filters on router.
Yes, in "WAN DNS Setting", make sure it's not using OpenDNS. But if you are and it's blocking everything then you need to configure OpenDNS at their site and double-check to make sure you have it set to only block netflix.com.
Alright thanks for the help i know what do, I just have redo my wired client, which i have all set on the devices to use opendns servers I will have to set them to get there dns from router

Gathering I will have to set up routers DHCP server to not use Opendns servers too, cause both Wan and DHCP are currently setup to use opendns and all wired devices are manual setup to use opendns

Maybe i will get lucky and dish network will allow use to disable netflix on individual units connected to the hopper3 setup, which will be so much simpler then have to reconfigure my network.
So does the Dish hopper use its own signal for Netflix or does it use wifi? I didn't think about that, never had satellite. If it uses satellite for Netflix, this won't help you. You'd think that it could be removed though, not sure.
uses wifi anything remotely vod or needing internet access is all done threw wifi or ethernet.

There satellite signal barely has enough bandwidth to give decent hd signal and most of hd signal is still 720p, consider how pressed the signal is to begin with :eek:
found an even better solution then change my whole networks dns servers.

made an account with https://securedns.dnsbycomodo.com/accounts/login/
and did the filter with them, now i can pick which device via mac address that has access to netflix and leave my rest of network still using opendns.

Thanks for the help jeff288

Though I do have question isnt DNS url bocking the same the Firewall>Url Filter?? only diffrence beeing url filter cant be done per mac address and it does for all connected to router?
No problem but what you did with securedns you could've done with opendns the same way but that's fine if it works. And yes, that works fine for http sites, not https. Netflix mostly uses https.
Why not just assign a static local IP for the devices that you want to block [Parental Controls], and then have them use Google's DNS. I found out the hard way when I set up a a Fire TV on my home network.
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Isn't there a parental control option set in the joey? I know I can set custom controls on directv clients.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
could be done yes but my whole network used opendns for dns server for better part of 15 years, i didnt want stop using it to just block netflix so i just have said devices i want block use securedns asdns servers.

Hmm didnt notice i could use paretnal coontrol on the joeys to block neflix , but if i do it this way they will actual know i blocking it cause it will ask for passcode point was to do it with out them knowing i blocking it and to block it silently
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I have OpenDNS setup for one of my kids. After you configure OpenDNS on their website, log into your router and:

1. Go to Parental Controls
2. Click on DNS Filtering
3. Slide the switch for filtering to ON.
4. Change Global to No Filtering.
5. In the Clients List, select the offender you wish to block.
6. In the Filtering List, select OpenDNS.
7. Now click the + (Add) button.
8. Click the Apply button.
9. Go test the "client" you just blocked.


I set this up for my daughters devices (Roku, laptop, etc).

FYI, in my setup, I use Cox cable for TV and internet services. We have DVR units; however, the way they are configured (by Cox) is that they are NOT connecting via my internet and therefore I have no parental control of them, outside their built-in tools.

Perhaps DN is different. If I am reading your question correctly, the DN equipment is what your "offenders" are using to record shows and watch Netflix, YouTube, etc. and jamming up your storage. Assuming it's the same device, the question is making sure the DN is connecting through your router and that you can select each device as a client in the instructions I posted above.

Just a few other thoughts:

1. Change the DN password, keep it secret and utilize any admin tools available via the DN interface.

2. Make the users aware they have X time to watch a show and delete them. After a few missed shows and some crying, they will get the jist of how it will work.

3. Remove their access to the DVR system altogether. Give them a dummy system so they can't record/view but still watch live TV. Probably save you a few bucks in the process.
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I winded up use parental filter and DNS filters like Comodo and opendns months ago to block Netflix for certain clients, Sadly that cant be done for kodi and other stuff. I tell em once they dont stop I throttle there interent they continue I just disconnect them.

Which what I should do cause these people not only abuse the devices physical they click on anything and everything and screw up there system with all the malware and root kits that get on, them cause there to stupid to use common sense. Then blame the wifi that is fine for all there issues. maybe if I disconnect them there devices would remain working proper.

If they dont want to listen and use the devices with common sense when they lose internet and have device that dont work cause the kill the system, they can blame the selves, cause I wont fix it or deal with.
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Glad to see you found a solution.

In regards to Kodi, I just started fiddling with it recently. It can be a very powerful tool. Obviously the potential exists to utilize loads of bandwidth and hit sites that you don't want to be associated with; however, from what I understand, you'd need to know the exact sites (channels) they have entered in Kodi to successfully block them all.

FYI, in my initial dabblings with Kodi, everyone seems to be recommended the use of a VPN to protect identity and also hacks.

I'm not sure your exact environment (dad with kiddos, or perhaps a landlord with tenants, etc). Your approach to handling Kodi might vary depending on your environment, but I can see how you'd want to restrict Kodi for more than bandwidth reasons.
One main reason i want to block kodi is simply cause IP's can be track unlike Satalite tv feeds those are one way transmission. a VPN wont stop Music and Movie industry if they want to sue normal joe for millions which they have done, it might be extreme and unlikely but that dont mean it cant happen. I might just resort to DNS block but i doubt that will stop kodi program it will however stop web based sites. Stuff like Amazon prime and Netflix i dont have much issue with, the other stuff i do, but if you all you do is stream and suck up the bandwidth i do i have issue with that stuff

The person using kodi and those other sites complain endlessly about "they" dont work or stop working which in turn to them means the internet dont work. the devices are probably riddled with malware and god know what else. i dont have access to those devices if I did I would block it on them and locked there devices to the point that they can't install or do anything with out admin passwords.
FYI the VPN services I've seen suggested provide a secure undocumented tunnel to proxies inside and outside the US that then connects to Kodi streaming sites. Ther main selling point is anonymity I haven't researched far enough to confirm or deny. Warning flags went up when I saw that thinking there could be legal issues.

If this is not a family issue, I'd disconnect the Internet and provide said people with a credit to get their own ISP. Then they are 100% in control of their tech support and ant legal ramifications from their actions and not you.
If it is family I'd demand control,of their machine so you can block programs. If the family member isn't a child it's probably easier to disconnect them altogether and explain the reason why.

Netflix is annoying. Kodi has the potential to be damaging. IMO you need to divert those risks.
Netflix is annoying. Kodi has the potential to be damaging. IMO you need to divert those risks.

Wasn't it the Netflix Android app that hard-coded Google Public DNS inside, bypassing DNS policies and restrictions - they ever move away from that one?

And yes - Kodi is a great product, in the wrong hands, it can be problematic... but that goes for just about anything these days.
lets put this way there people that should be allow to use the internet and computers and there people that should not be allow access to either and people that click on anything and have destroyed multiple os installs as result fall under that category. and this same person wonders why there Credits Card info has been stole multiple times.. They also like to pretend they know better yet there the one with constant computer issue.

Which why I ignore there computer issues. they dont want to listen then can deal with it and go pay some computer shop 100$ to fix there issues. I can block it but then I will never hear end of other half because they dont want hear it, from the person that is block cause I block them once and that blew up into shirt storm.

I miss the days of dialup.

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