@JBD and
I think all you need to do is replace all instances of the mask fields that currently start with 0x8.. or 0x4 with 0xc..
So 0x80000000 0x8000ffff becomes 0x80000000 0xc000ffff or 0x40130000 0x403f0000 becomes 0x40130000 0xC03f0000 and so on.. make sure to change all of them.
If the plan is to make this work for releases for 380 and 382, then you'll need to make this conditional somehow ( look for both matches, have the script derive the right value to match, make two scripts ... up to you.)
I reset my router to get the config back to a clean state and realized that my earlier observations were confused by my testing. It looks like there is only one instance of Unknown (as opposed to the multiple extras I had added.)
The traffic rates are not exactly as described by FreshJR in his original posts, however all classes appear to share the same bandwidth allocation. I'm thinking it still makes sense to run the new traffic rate and ceiling config in FreshJR's script.