You are imagining things.
Yes maybe so, just ask the Mrs.
I was not referring to your script. Just how pages seemed to resolve. My initial comment was about the first 2 maybe 3 minutes of boot up and how I was able to access the internet.
They only use different methods to execute modifications to the original parameters. The end configuration is identical.
I agree.
The compatible version has a 5minute delay, before ANY script modifications take effect, after clicking apply. It could be that you started testing before the modifications were executed.
I did not mean your different scripts performed differently.
Personal I am leaning towards dnscrypt causing my issues.
Well to be truthful its likely not an issue per say, its just I need to allow a window after reboot to allow scripts to fully execute and things to settle down. Also its likely dnscrypt could be blocking connections during its start process, to prevent leaking. By adding your script, I just increased the work load of the router and its simply gonna take a few minutes after boot to settle down.
For me the experimental version just seemed to allow my router to return to a usable state quicker.
Maybe its just me, I don't know, and I was only able to run 2 reboot tests with the compatible version.
I am traveling for the next week and unable to do a proper comparison with dnscrypt removed. Ill do that when I get home. I personally feel Ill see a huge difference with it removed. Even if the results change Ill add it back after my testing.
I don't expect to be rebooting often, and I should never see a difference in all likely hood, because once all the scripts are up and running, everything works perfectly.
Your script has worked wonders on my connection, I am ecstatic at its results.