A few things:
1. Thanks,
@Martineau, for this script. I've installed and uninstalled unbound a few times today, exploring, and I would never have waded in without the script.
2. The problem with USAA is, I think, unrelated to unbound or pixelserv. I've uninstalled unbound and purged the pixelserv domain certs (but NOT the ca.crt, oy what a headache that would be), rebooted everything and I still have the problem.
3. Using the old school

Diversion log follow, I see going to usaa.com produces a lot of blocked domains:
20:10:43 blocked by blockinglist usaa.tt.omtrdc.net
20:10:43 blocked by blockinglist s.go-mpulse.net
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist tags.tiqcdn.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist dpm.demdex.net
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist www.everestjs.net
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist www.google-analytics.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist www.googletagmanager.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist datacloud.tealiumiq.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist d.agkn.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist sp.analytics.yahoo.com
20:10:44 blocked by blockinglist browser.pipe.aria.microsoft.com
If I unblock the first one, the pages load fine. So, sorry for the detour, nothing to see here.
Except USAA and I will have a few words about googling tt.omtrdc.net:
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Also, since I will be away from this mission-critical location for 2 months, I've left things as they were before (as to which, see #1) and will explore this further on a 56U and 87U.