Very Senior Member
For a medium to large business, I agree that the asus choices can't handle it. Yet, the OP did specifically reference those asus reports. Even you have to admit that there's NOTHING in pfsense that can do that. You can get a significant amount of data if you're willing to add more machines (and different software) for SNMP, consuming netflow, etc. You might be able to get data per IP address (and could, in theory, consolidate that to data per host if MAC addresses are part of the data flow.) You'd still be missing L7 information that the OP referenced.
Of course, at that point, you might as well mirror the WAN and LAN ports and have something extract the needed data from the raw packets. At least that way you'd have the raw packets to do DPI on and get the L7 reports.
...and it's still not something pfSense can do. (At that point, it'd be a completely separate product doing it.)
@sfx2000, don't get the wrong idea from my posts - I'm not bashing pfsense or any other product (except for untangle and the other non-ipv6 compatible products.) I'm responding directly to the OP in regards to the reporting capabilities. I've also clearly stated that for ROUTING capabilities, things like pfsense, routerOS, etc are superior. However, for reporting of "real time monitoring like bandwidth per client per App" (quote from the OP), at least pfSense doesn't have it, and there's nothing much you can do to add it. The closest I've seen is the incomplete (and out of data) ntopng package.
If I'm wrong, I'm good with that - but just typing that you can add this, that and the other thing without specifics, without examples, and without even screenshots.. isn't helpful. Perhaps a link showing something that can be done? A sample report? Anything? To be completely honest, I desperately WANT to be wrong. I'd love to be able to load up a couple pfsense packages and suddenly get real time per host per app usage data. If you remember, it was something I specifically asked for when I started this journey.
Look at NASA's FlowViewer, a netflow analyzer which works with anything that can export netflow metadata. Yes, it can view real-time traffic (and I used it with pfSense).