I’m gotten lucky and have a symmetrical 2gig line to my home, in additional my work has given me a 400 dollar stipend to spend for work on home stuff with a line item that is approved for any networking equipment. I’m happy with my home office so I”m fine to spend it all on the networking side. I currently have a netgear r7800 and its worked well but seeing as I have a credit to spend. I’m wondering what I should get. I have a Synology NAS that I back up family photos and videos to and also use it to share them to other families members. There's some 4k streaming and console and pc gaming and for me lots of work zoom calls that happens simultaneously pretty regularly.The house is roughly 2100 sq ft and I have cat6 wired into the walls for a few rooms so doing a wired backhaul is fine. That being said what I’ve seen recommended is the Asus AX86U + AP + switch maybe? which seems like a great option but I was wondering about the new synology RT6600X (get a switch later down the line) and if that would be something that would be good to consider. I’m open to suggestions also a part of me wants to hit that 400 mark as close a possible.