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RT-AC66U USB Drive Read Only - Why?

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I have connected a USB drive to my Asus RT-AC66U which I have updated to the latest firmware. From my Windows 8 PC, I can see the drive and the files on it, but, I cannot write to the drive. It is effectively Read-Only.

I cannot figure out why. I can't see any options on the RT-AC66U control panel. Any ideas where I should look to change this?

I have connected a USB drive to my Asus RT-AC66U which I have updated to the latest firmware. From my Windows 8 PC, I can see the drive and the files on it, but, I cannot write to the drive. It is effectively Read-Only.

I cannot figure out why. I can't see any options on the RT-AC66U control panel. Any ideas where I should look to change this?


many people have this issue and it is a known problem with how asus does permissions for windows. there is some script some where that you can add or remove something from how it is programmed to get around this but it has been a known issue. easy work around is just to ftp files that you want on there. I spent hours trying to solve the problem but ftp was just the easier way to go. i also couldn't get username and password to login through windows no matter how i change stuff in the FW. tried every different kind of login and workgroup name etc.

some say if you create a new file in the root directory that you will have r/w permissions. I never went and tried to redo that part to see if it would work.

you will notice that in the root directory of your hd you will have r/w permissions but then asus borks up the permissions as you go down the tree of files.
Thank you for the reply jayboyyyy. Not what I wanted to hear, but, I appreciate finding out from someone who has been through it. I'll investigate the FTP route as you suggest.
Thank you for the reply jayboyyyy. Not what I wanted to hear, but, I appreciate finding out from someone who has been through it. I'll investigate the FTP route as you suggest.

just enable ftp. download file zilla. put \\AC-RT-ACR (or u) in the host name and use port 21 i think and transfer files that way. really easy and fast. you can search around for other workarounds but they started becoming more work than i would have wanted to do (mainly bc it would have meant extra research on my part bc im not that familiar with everything people were talking about)
FWIW - I attached a USB 2.0 drive to my 68U that was previously directly attached to my PC. When it was attached to my PC, I had created a bunch of folders at the root level, and had one file share pointed to root on the drive. When I attached it to the 68U, the only odd thing was that every root level folder became it's own file share under the the server name RT-AC68U.

Did you update your permissions on aidisk to allow r/w access?
many people have this issue and it is a known problem with how asus does permissions for windows. there is some script some where that you can add or remove something from how it is programmed to get around this but it has been a known issue. easy work around is just to ftp files that you want on there. I spent hours trying to solve the problem but ftp was just the easier way to go. i also couldn't get username and password to login through windows no matter how i change stuff in the FW. tried every different kind of login and workgroup name etc.

some say if you create a new file in the root directory that you will have r/w permissions. I never went and tried to redo that part to see if it would work.

you will notice that in the root directory of your hd you will have r/w permissions but then asus borks up the permissions as you go down the tree of files.

The username and login window for a network device, how i hate it so. Through lots of trial and error i found that typing the name of the device your trying to access for the username then the wifi password will give you access to it. How? Why? no idea, but it works. Even done this with wired devices trying to access other devices on the network.

Although when greeted with this window when trying to access a HDD plugged into the router the admin login info works.
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those logins do no not work for me. I have not been able to access my hdd samba from a windows machine if i don't have allow guest users enabled. And even then the permissions are fubar'ed once you go one folder below root level. So i just gave up using samba until it is fixed. I only use it for media anyway so uploading movies to the hdd is the only access i really need.

I know people say that Asus just uses the aidisk stuff for show to sell more routers but it really should work at least on a rudimentary level. it's sad they can't get the simple things figured out (maybe not so simple from a coding perspective but simple from a "if you can't even get this to work then what are you doing").

i also am frustrated that my files get corrupted occasionally. I think i saw the work around was creating some partition for the hdd to write from or something but I didn't spend the time figuring all of that out. It is pretty annoying clicking on a movie that you just watched two weeks and then it says corrupted file...

I did switch to ext4 bc i initially thought that would solve the problem but it didn't. oh well.

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