Here are my notes so far on what crashes it and what does not:
All tests were using 396_3.2. Each week I added a bit more...
Week 1: (stable 7 days)
lan:lan ip
-ip address:
-router login name: [admin username]
-new password: [new password]
-retype password: [new password]
-2.4ghz network name: [ssid]
-2.4ghz wpa pre-shared key: [key]
-5ghz network name: [ssid]
-5ghz wpa pre-shared key: [key]
lan:dhcp server
-[add manual assignments]
week 2: (stable 7 days)
-enable jffs custom scripts and configs: yes
-enable ssh: lan only
-allow password login: no
-authorized keys: [public key]
-2.4ghz control channel: 1
-5ghz control channel: 36
jffs scripts
-ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_router admin@
-create: jffs/scripts/wan-start (to email me when there is a crash)
week 3: (stable 7 days)
guest network 1 (5ghz)
-[ssid], wpa2-personal, [key], unlimited access, enable
-5ghz channel bandwidth: 40mhz
week 4: (experiment; crashed after 2 days)
Full configuration using guest network 2 instead of guest network 1 as per conversations above.
The only things left that were not added prior to a minimal crashing setup included changing the DNS and setting the 2.4ghz network bandwidth to 20hz, so since I have a full config right now as part of the one off experiment this weekend, I just removed the guest network, set 2.4ghz to the default of 20/40, and removed the custom DNS to see if one of those are the trigger. Baring any positive results I can pickup the testing from where I ended on stable week 3 when I find the will to keep this madness up