Very Senior Member
I see that DNS.Watch support DNSCrypt protocol ipv4 & ipv6 servers and can maybe be used with relays-->Anonymized DNSCrypt if wanted in DNSCrypt-proxy v2.1.0 (can be installed via amtm and easy to setup via dnscrypt installer)Regarding DNS.Watch, Well, I was looking for alternative, perhaps faster DNS servers and found this one as being a good one...I guess I should've checked it's location first. Haha!
I you have better suggestions, I'm open for it to try these also.
DNSCrypt protocol servers
Anonymized DNSCrypt
DNS over HTTPS servers
Oblivious DNS over HTTPS
If you want to find faster encrypted DNS servers you can try the automatic option in the dnscrypt installer(288 encrypted servers worldwide atm) for Asuswrt-Merlin and it is sorted by latency and a load balancing option, server type and if server supports DNSSec or if server is filtering or logging. (Displays this info in router syslog when the proxy starts or when it recheck latency every 4 hours or when a randomization check is done, the last one is a installer built in feature to randomize relays better

Personally i like to use Anonymizied DNSCrypt with the automatic option first to try/test out fast combinations for servers/relays, and later manually set up 4-6 good/fast dnscrypt servers with 2-3 relays each and set load-balancing to = "random" together with dnscrypt ephemeral keys = "true" (makes it harder to fingerprint devices). I think this type of setup is confusing for anyone that try to get something from it..and further set specific devices in dns-filter(kids school computers and work related devices)
ISP can still get the SNI part, But it is a Encrypted SNI option in dnscrypt that can be configured with firefox i think (I have not tested) and ESNI is now renamed ECH (this is at very early stage very few support it, works on cloudflare`s servers/network) Link
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