What I am trying to do is:
Using the info in some of the thread already posted for other routers, and combining them with my needs, my script so far is as below, and it is no where complete. So, I look for guidance and help.
- Use my bond0(which is composed of eth3 and eth4) to retain the untagged VLAN1, but tag VLAN2000 and VLAN3100 in addition to it, which are hosted (including their routing interface and DHCP server) on a Fortinet connected on the other side of this bond0.
- Use VLAN2000 to host my guest network SSID
- Use VLAN3100 to host my IoT network SSID
- Use AP Isolated mode on the entire guest SSID across 2.4GHz and 5GHz
- Use AP Isolated mode on the entire IoT SSID across 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Using the info in some of the thread already posted for other routers, and combining them with my needs, my script so far is as below, and it is no where complete. So, I look for guidance and help.
#echo "============== START 1 $(date) ==================" >> /jffs/scripts/log
#ip a >> /jffs/scripts/log
#ip r >> /jffs/scripts/log
#/sbin/ifconfig >> /jffs/scripts/log
#nvram show | grep vlan >> /jffs/scripts/log
#brctl show >> /jffs/scripts/log
#echo "============== END 1 $(date) ==================" >> /jffs/scripts/log
# echo $PATH > /tmp/script_debug
# remove any port which will be reconfigured as a tagged port
# remove interfaces we're gonna move to other bridges
brctl delif br0 bond0
brctl delif br0 wl0.1
brctl delif br0 wl0.2
brctl delif br0 wl1.1
brctl delif br0 wl1.2
# Creating VLAN 2000 and the Input / Output rules (main network)
vlanctl --mcast --if-create bond0 2000
vlanctl --if bond0 --rx --tags 1 --filter-vid 2000 0 --pop-tag --set-rxif bond0.v2000 --rule-append
vlanctl --if bond0 --tx --tags 0 --filter-txif bond0.v2000 --push-tag --set-vid 2000 0 --rule-append
ifconfig bond0.v2000 up
# Creating VLAN 3100 and the Input / Output rules (main network)
vlanctl --mcast --if-create bond0 3100
vlanctl --if bond0 --rx --tags 1 --filter-vid 3100 0 --pop-tag --set-rxif bond0.v3100 --rule-append
vlanctl --if bond0 --tx --tags 0 --filter-txif bond0.v3100 --push-tag --set-vid 3100 0 --rule-append
ifconfig bond0.v3100 up
# This is a very important step, otherwitse (if keep in ONT mode), the broadcasts received in 1 VLAN will be spread to others and your DHCP will become crazy.
vlanctl --if bond0 --set-if-mode-rg
# Organize the bridges
brctl stp br0 on
brctl addbr br1
brctl addbr br2
brctl addif br1 bond0.v2000
brctl addif br1 wl0.1
brctl addif br1 wl1.1
brctl addif br1 bond0.v3100
brctl addif br2 wl0.2
brctl addif br2 wl1.2
brctl addif br0 bond0
# Adjust NVRAM config
nvram set br1_ifname=br1
nvram set br1_ifnames="bond0.v2000 wl0.1 wl1.1"
nvram set lan1_ifname=br1
nvram set lan1_ifnames="bond0.v2000 wl0.1 wl1.1"
nvram set br2_ifname=br2
nvram set br2_ifnames="bond0.v3100 wl0.2 wl1.2"
nvram set lan2_ifname=br2
nvram set lan2_ifnames="bond0.v3100 wl0.2 wl1.2"
wl -i wl0.1 ap_isolate 1
wl -i wl0.2 ap_isolate 1
wl -i wl1.1 ap_isolate 1
wl -i wl1.2 ap_isolate 1
# eapd restart (when change NVRAM, it's necessary)
killall eapd
#echo "============== START 1 $(date) ==================" >> /jffs/scripts/log
#ip a >> /jffs/scripts/log
#ip r >> /jffs/scripts/log
#/sbin/ifconfig >> /jffs/scripts/log
#nvram show | grep vlan >> /jffs/scripts/log
#brctl show >> /jffs/scripts/log
#echo "============== END 1 $(date) ==================" >> /jffs/scripts/log