Regular Contributor
Yes, these are CAT 7 LAN cables.
There are even CAT 8 ones too.
In your case, it should able to suffice if only covering short distances
In case you are wondering what switches i'm using.
I'm using the QNAP QSW-1208-8C non managed 10G Ethernet/SFP+ switch with multiple based-T support currently which i still have those smart/managed switches tho.
Those cables are whoa. From what little I read, Cat 7 isn't standard and not backward compatible. Never saw a connector like that before. Thought it was fiber based. And Cat 8 cables, as I understand it, are used in data centers vs consumer spots. And with specs like that, I imagined the router would be 500+ But almost 900? That's an immediate no for me. As much as I would love it, I paid 220 for my 86U a little over a year ago. I couldn't pay that price for a router, though. That's a year+ for me. And then there' switches. Loved the QNAP, but 550 off Amazon is too much for me. (Though I realize, 10G gear isn't all that expensive at those prices, especially if you're getting what you pay for.) You say you're running a 10G connection? Are you getting what you pay for? And how much is that in USD? I only got a Gig connection mid of last year. it runs at 950/42. And it runs at 150 a month off promo (90 for 2 years on promo). Comcast moves damn slow. As I found out, I planned to use the Gig for Xbox and the like, only to be limited to 300 max. And the rest of my equipment doesn't do a gig because of limits. I do get full speed when everything is running, though. Almost 10 devices.
According to the clerk when I went to upgrade, (I was watching the upgrade happen over 2 days and the gears in my head started grinding.) I was the first person the area to ask for the Gig service. (I'm lucky with things like that, usually being the first to ask for stuff after it supposedly debuts.) And that they started taking orders for it yesterday. Took an hour to get it going at the desk, though. When I walked out, the smile was brilliant.