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I did. Both up to date.Check that you're running the latest firmware on both your XB6 and your AX92u. If you are running the latest firmware, you may try contacting Shaw again. They may be able to troubleshoot it. There's a thread at Shaw about this issue.
Solved: Bluecurve modem will not assign IP to any third pa... - Shaw Support
The problem with contacting Shaw is that everything looks fine on their end. As well, it’s working fine with a different router as the bridged device, plus I’m actually being assigned an IP from Shaw, the 70. Address, this person wasn’t getting anything anything.
As for the post I actually came across that one previously and got excited before I saw the fact that all of the modems have been updated and the post date was almost a year ago. It’s something I brought up when troubleshooting with Shaw and they confirmed everything is updated. I even tried again unplugging to get the xb6 to “forget” everything to no avail.