ok so here's what I've found, which I hope will help, but I'm unfortunately not getting any log files to upload, not even the default one files in /var/
@RMerlin, you've already seen output from correct network map
so reboot using debug package via mount -o bind
network map process in gui appears to finish, however using the debug package this way I get no log files to review
only 1 device is missing from list, which is the E3000 running DD-WRT in bridge mode
next test
disable debug file, and reboot using standard networkmap
for this test I've turned off 2 devices (laptop, and ubuntu desktop)
After reboot, we're now at 15 minutes, networkmap has not been able to finish
and as I suspected 6 devices are in list, when there should be 7
again it's the E3000 that is missing from the list
my next suspicion
I turn those 2 devices back on
refresh from gui - there should now be 9 clients, but no change
only 6 devices listed
next - again this is the standard networkmap
t@RT-AC66U:/tmp/var# killall networkmap
t@RT-AC66U:/tmp/var# networkmap
result is network is complete with no problems
all 9 clients are displayed including the E3000 bridge
so network map does work, just not at boot
my conclusion is that something is preventing networkmap from completing
and the refresh button does not kill / restart networkmap when this happens
kill and restart is only working from cmd line
and one more time I enable debug package and reboot
all devices are turned on, should be 9 clients total
but only 8 clients listed
again it's the E3000 not being displayed
simply waiting a minute it does pickup and display the E3000
so now total of 9 clients listed
so debug package does work correctly, but no log files
standard package does work correctly but not at boot, sometimes there are log files, but if it never completes log files are not created
early in this thread you mention that networkmap can take quite some time and in some cases, full list may not display until each client has renewed it's lease, it's certainly possible that this is part of what is going on
I think most people expect this to take seconds, or minutes and instead it's hours, before a lease is renewed
also it would be useful to know which file initially calls networkmap
I'd like to redirect log output, so I can reliably provide a log file