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Russia Is Conducting a Massive Cyber Attack

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It makes sense to me that Apple would be more up on security than a TV manufacture. Any comments?

I’d bet money on that. Not that Apple is infallible at all but I’d imagine they try A LOT harder than smart TV manufacturers.
I think that properly sums things up.

Everyone please refrain from comments based on race, ethnicity, national origin, etc. or thread will be closed.

Thanks - I agree...

There are always going to be bad-actors out there - looking for vulns...

Key thing is - keep firmware updated, limit or eliminate exposed services, and you'll be fine.
I was wondering if an AppleTV would be more secure than a smart TV. It seems so to me. It makes sense to me that Apple would be more up on security than a TV manufacture. Any comments?

AppleTV, at least the current crop of them, are going to be fairly secure - think that the dev team there is also working on iPhone/iPad, and the ATV has a very different app structure.

as I said, don't have 100% evidence, just a lot of suspicions and pointed out why. If he's not the same person, I'm fine with that and being wrong.

Still, the fact he uses a Russian version of Office makes me very nervous. Call me biased but I don't trust the Russians. They're virtually always against anything the West does or proposes and are not shy of trying to prevent it. And now in the news with all the Russian hackers... gee, a guy can become paranoid for a lot less :)
Well, interesting. FYI: I am not XVorteX. I do not keep in big secret that I am Russian. zyxmon whos version of Entware is used on RMerlin firmware is from Russia too. And ryzhov_al too. Let's drop away Entware, right? It is made in Russia. But are you racist or Nazi?

Just another FYI: I do not keep in big secret that I am from Russia, from Moscow. I work now in Russian Academy of Science. I do use absolutely legal version of Office (I use it mainly for my scientific publications) with my absolutely legal version of Windows with absolutely legal software. NETGEAR Guy has full info regarding my real full home address, name, place of work, e-mail, phone number. He used this contact details to send me R9000 router. Do you believe that NG would send their router to XVorteX for hacking?

Please do not mix pirate hackers with nationality. Hackers are international and have no nationality.

Hmm, is this discussion:


result of my schizophrenia?

And I do use GPL downloaded from NG site and publish my changes in github.

I found this thread accidentally. Why did not you ask me in direct open form in my threads? Are you afraid something?

P.S. And please do not mix Voxel and XVorteX.

One of the reasons refusing to run Voxel/XVortex (yes, it's the same guy) firmware on my routers. He's Russian, doesn't open source his changes, violates licenses, rips off other's people work (in case of XWRT), no one knows what he does behind closed doors, etc. The last one is what really worries me.

Not trying to imply corporations are any better, but I'd rather trust Netgear's stock firmware than that of a suspicious random Russian who modifies firmwares for routers and posts them to forums

You are 100% wrong and it's time for you to apologise.
gee, a guy can become paranoid for a lot less

Just another short remark to stop it: I traveled a lot visiting about 25 countries, living and working very long period in Japan and Poland in international Company, and was robbed only twice in my life: in Amsterdam and …Brussel (Belgium). Not so far from “pissing boy” monument. Had to visit police department. Well, how did you say “a guy can become paranoid for a lot less”, right? But somehow I did not become paranoiac re: all Belgians. Only “schizophrenic” maybe…

@Voxel sorry I had my suspicions, but as you can see, I never 100% claimed you are XVortex. I was only suspecting it due to a lot of similarities between you and him so I thought it's the same guy. My bad :)
Ok folks. Air cleared and apology made. Closing thread.
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