I installed 386.2 alpha 2-g0b90696715 and I now have 3x AC68Us that are not starting Skynet and all show IPTables Rules failed even though my AX88U is running fine with Skynet with the same build. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Skynet and while it eventually started fine after the install, within a few mins, it showed the same failed error. Logs are showing Rule Integrity Violation - Restarting Firewall [ #9 #10 ] for those 3 AC68Us, anyone else having this same issue with the new alpha build or have suggestions on how to fix it? I looked at the source code and found what the errors are pointing to and ran the 4 checks manually and returned correct values. Tried running the commands manually and got "iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?)"
if [ "$(nvram get sshd_enable)" = "1" ] && [ "$(nvram get sshd_bfp)" = "1" ] && [ "$(uname -o)" = "ASUSWRT-Merlin" ] && [ "$(nvram get switch_wantag)" != "movistar" ]; then
iptables -C SSHBFP -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name SSH --rsource -j SET --add-set Skynet-Blacklist src 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#9 "
iptables -C SSHBFP -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name SSH --rsource -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - NEW BAN] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#10 "
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