@Adamm Many thanks for the latest releases.
The firewall install script currently only checks for 'swapon' usage in post-mount .. any chance you can include a check for fstab usage as well ie. 'swap' or even via 'cat /proc/swaps'? I already have a dedicated 3GB swap partition being used but it is not being detected.
Edit: Or you can include a 5th option, 'Use existing system swap' to bypass swap creation so that installer can complete its installation run.
Update1: I came up with a temporary workaround (for those enabling swap via fstab) which works
- Install Skynet, create swap file 256MB to finalize the installation
- Run Skynet, option 11 then 5 then 2 to uninstall swap file
- Edit firewall script /jffs/scripts/firewall - line 128 to
if [ ! grep -F "swapon" /jffs/scripts/post-mount | grep -qvE "^#" ] || [ ! grep -F "partition" /proc/swaps | grep -qvE "^partition" ] ; then
- Restart Skynet