Senior Member
is it possible to set Skynet in debug mode without all the entries appearing in the main asus webui syslog?
I would also find it good to be able to disable these messages separately.

is it possible to set Skynet in debug mode without all the entries appearing in the main asus webui syslog?
Noticed this morning that I was getting a lot of blocked outbound traffic to over the evening. According to Whois and alienvault seems to map to Microsoft. Similar blocks to outbound, also maps to Microsoft, this time when using OneDrive, which so far functions in limited testing on my iPad. Haven’t noticed any thing amiss with Microsoft functions, but I use them sparingly. Wouldn’t have mentioned this if not for your post about MS services above.
Yes it is.Skynet is controlled/installed only thru a ssh terminal?
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
what are you waiting for? Get a bigger flash drive.... $2-$5???????OK, here's a fun one.
Skynet is blocking some IPs that I'd like to whitelist, but when I try to go in via AMTM I get
Skynet: [ERROR] Legacy v5 Installation Detected - Please Run Installer Manually To Upgrade!
So I try to run the v6 installer, but it doesn't work though because I still only have a 256MB USB so I can't have a swap file. Can I not even access the v5 menu anymore?
OK, here's a fun one.
Skynet is blocking some IPs that I'd like to whitelist, but when I try to go in via AMTM I get
Skynet: [ERROR] Legacy v5 Installation Detected - Please Run Installer Manually To Upgrade!
So I try to run the v6 installer, but it doesn't work though because I still only have a 256MB USB so I can't have a swap file. Can I not even access the v5 menu anymore?
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/firewall" && chmod +x /jffs/scripts/firewall
Ok. I thought swapping the thumbdrive was going to take about a half-hour. I started three hours ago.
Got 1GB thumbdrive. Spent another 20 minutes trying to figure out how to format it. mkfs.ext4 doesn't exist in this router, went for mkfs.ext3
Tried to use AMTM to install ABS. "/dev/sda1 doesn't have a label! Are you sure?"
Spent another 20 minutes trying to figure out how to label /dev/sda1 before I figured out the -L option on mkfs.ext3...
Installed ABS through AMTM. Installed Skynet through AMTM... or tried. Somehow even though this is a different thumbdrive, it was trying to run v5 again? So I grabbed the new command off page 1 of this thread. Selected 512MB cache... router spent several minutes creating the cache... eventually got this:
Creating SWAP File...
524288+0 records in
524288+0 records out
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 536866816 bytes
swapon: /tmp/mnt/USBStick/myswap.swp: Invalid argument
SWAP File Located At /tmp/mnt/USBStick/myswap.swp
touch: /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/events.log: Input/output error
touch: /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.log: Input/output error
/jffs/scripts/firewall: line 1: can't create /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.cfg: Input/output error
Restarting Firewall To Complete Installation
/jffs/scripts/firewall: line 1: can't create /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.cfg: Input/output error
Now AMTM is black-and-white.
ABS doesn't work. Try to (re-install, since AMTM isn't showing me that it's installed...) I get:
This is AB-Solution 3.11.2
looking for an installation
[: /tmp/mnt/USBStick: unknown operand
--> AB-Solution device change detected
--> fixing paths in files...
[: /tmp/mnt/USBStick: unknown operand .: line 1: can't open '/adblocking/.config/ab-solution.cfg'
SNBForum Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
So. AMTM doesn't look or work right. Skynet doesn't work. I tried chmod -R 777 all of the directories in /mnt/USBStick/ in case somehow they had become read-only... to no avail. wtf
OK. Just tried it. Hard reset (unplugged power cord).Sounds like the USB mounted incorrrctly, try a router reboot and go through the installation process again.
OK. Just tried it. Hard reset (unplugged power cord).
touch: /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/events.log: Not a directory
touch: /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.log: Not a directory
/jffs/scripts/firewall: line 1: can't create /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.cfg: nonexistent directory
Restarting Firewall To Complete Installation
/jffs/scripts/firewall: line 1: can't create /tmp/mnt/USBStick/skynet/skynet.cfg: nonexistent directory
Pardon me is this has already been posted, but is there a way to get the county codes for sh /jffs/scripts/firewall ban country? IE Israel, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Burma to name a few
What I do have control over is that all router services are Whitelisted upon startup, so if you happened to set as your DNS, it would be whitelisted.
Well, it seems to still be causing problems. These outbound ips are my Chromecast Ultra, Sony Vizio TV and Google Home Mini (x2) it stops all from working.
Mar 29 14:02:49 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:49 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:50 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:51 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:52 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:52 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:52 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:52 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Mar 29 14:02:53 kernel: [BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] SRC= DST=
Input IP Or Range To Whitelist:
Input Comment For Whitelist:
[Comment]: Google DNS
ipset v6.32: Element cannot be added to the set: it's already added
Saving Changes
edit, here is the search output I forgot
Debug Data Detected in /tmp/mnt/SNB/skynet/skynet.log - 5.1M
Monitoring From Mar 21 06:00:16 To Mar 29 14:25:59
19302 Block Events Detected
3032 Unique IPs
62 Autobans Issued
5 Manual Bans Issued
Exact Matches; -
Possible CIDR Matches;
Skynet: [Complete] 115740 IPs / 1673 Ranges Banned. 0 New IPs / 0 New Ranges Banned. 42 Inbound / 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [stats] [6s]
sh /jffs/scripts/firewall stats search ip
Debug Data Detected in /tmp/mnt/SNB/skynet/skynet.log - 5.1MDoes it show up as whitelisted when you issue the following command?
Code:sh /jffs/scripts/firewall stats search ip
If so, it shouldn’t be blocked (technically there may be a 1-2s period whenever the whitelist is updated but nothing noticeable).
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