Butterfly Bones
Very Senior Member
My syslog was recently cleared so those two shown above are all I see searching back as far as I can. The one at 02:26 was 94 s and the one at 07:23 was 84 seconds.Looks like some sort of connectivity issues on one end prevented the update to go smoothly, very much a coincidence.
For reference, is your banmalware run-time always ~90 seconds? On an AC86U this should be much closer to 20.
I just ran banmalware again and get this, and back to only 66 IPs blocked. The only things I have done was the conversion from AB-Solution to Diversion and that was no issues. Then the updates of Skynet and Diversion, again no issues. Same USB drive as before. I montor this every morning and this is the first oddity that has happened. I just verified there is no /tmp/skynet directory.
/jffs/scripts/firewall banmalware
[i] Downloading filter.list [1s]
[i] Refreshing Whitelists [2s]
[i] Consolidating Blacklist dos2unix: can't open '/tmp/skynet/*': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/tmp/skynet/*': No such file or directory
[i] Filtering IPv4 Addresses [1s]
[i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges [0s]
[i] Applying New Blacklist [0s]
[i] Refreshing AiProtect Bans [0s]
[i] Saving Changes [0s]
[i] For False Positive Website Bans Use; ( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall whitelist domain URL )
[#] 66 IPs (-147247) -- 0 Ranges Banned (-1713) || 301 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [94s]