Adamm. An odd problem arose. Using PIA if I reload the Skynet menu it always stops at the Swap file line. If I wait several minutes it reports that there is no internet access however, internet access is fine. Any ideas?
Check_Connection () {
while [ "$livecheck" != "4" ]; do
if ping -q -w3 -c1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if ping -q -w3 -c1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if ping -q -w3 -c1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "$livecheck" != "4" ]; then
echo "[*] Internet Connectivity Error"
sleep 10
return "1"
I assume its pausing at the Check_Connection() function;
Basically what this means is your router fails to ping google, then github, then finally snbforums and after multiple attempts reports the connection as being down. I assume this is to-do with incorrect configuration of the VPN as the function is quite straight forward.
[$] /opt/bin/firewall banmalware
[i] Downloading filter.list | [0s]
[i] Refreshing Whitelists | /opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: split: not found
/opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: can't open *: no such file
[i] Consolidating Blacklist | [6s]
[i] Filtering IPv4 Addresses | [4s]
[i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges | [1s]
[i] Applying New Blacklist | [8s]
[i] Refreshing AiProtect Bans | [0s]
[i] Saving Changes | [5s]
[i] For Whitelisting Assistance -
[#] 143796 IPs (+727) -- 1621 Ranges Banned (+6) || 170 Inbound -- 7 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [33s]
The workaround is to install the coreutils-split package from Entware. Some models automatically include it, most don't.I've forced installed the latest version but I still get these;
Code:[$] /opt/bin/firewall banmalware ============================================================================================================= [i] Downloading filter.list | [0s] [i] Refreshing Whitelists | /opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: split: not found /opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: can't open *: no such file [6s] [i] Consolidating Blacklist | [6s] [i] Filtering IPv4 Addresses | [4s] [i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges | [1s] [i] Applying New Blacklist | [8s] [i] Refreshing AiProtect Bans | [0s] [i] Saving Changes | [5s] [i] For Whitelisting Assistance - [i] ============================================================================================================= [#] 143796 IPs (+727) -- 1621 Ranges Banned (+6) || 170 Inbound -- 7 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [33s]
opkg install coreutils-split
I've forced installed the latest version but I still get these;
Code:[$] /opt/bin/firewall banmalware ============================================================================================================= [i] Downloading filter.list | [0s] [i] Refreshing Whitelists | /opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: split: not found /opt/bin/firewall: line 5165: can't open *: no such file [6s] [i] Consolidating Blacklist | [6s] [i] Filtering IPv4 Addresses | [4s] [i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges | [1s] [i] Applying New Blacklist | [8s] [i] Refreshing AiProtect Bans | [0s] [i] Saving Changes | [5s] [i] For Whitelisting Assistance - [i] ============================================================================================================= [#] 143796 IPs (+727) -- 1621 Ranges Banned (+6) || 170 Inbound -- 7 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [33s]
Hello guys!
First, this software is amaizing, thank you so much for this.
My favorite feature is the IOT blocking (done the right way). Regarding this subject, I selected the option "Select IOT Allowed Port Protocol" -> UDP.
What does this mean? That I allow my IOT devices to "talk" to the internet via UDP? There is no reset option... Maybe I'm not understanding this right...
( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall settings iot unban|ban, ) Unban|Ban IOT Device(s) (or CIDR) From Accessing WAN (Allow NTP / Remote Access Via OpenVPN Only) (Use Comma As Separator)
( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall settings iot view ) View Currently Banned IOT Devices
( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall settings iot ports 123,124,125 ) Allow Port(s) To Access WAN (Use Comma As Separator)
( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall settings iot ports reset ) Reset Allowed Port List To Default
( sh /jffs/scripts/firewall settings iot proto udp|tcp|all ) Select IOT Allowed Port Protocol
Oct 24 08:28:36 Skynet: [#] 82988 IPs (-55424) -- 1633 Ranges Banned (-49) || 0 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [216s]
[#] 127313 IPs (+44325) -- 1630 Ranges Banned (-3) || 0 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [54s]
I see that often, though not as high as yours, I do get that on occasion. I also note the banmalware execution time is much longer than normal when this occurs, as is your.Anyone else get the massive reduction in blocked IPs today?
I just re-ran the banmalware update and got some back.Code:Oct 24 08:28:36 Skynet: [#] 82988 IPs (-55424) -- 1633 Ranges Banned (-49) || 0 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [216s]
Code:[#] 127313 IPs (+44325) -- 1630 Ranges Banned (-3) || 0 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [54s]
2019-10-24 08:46:48.000 [#] 127383 IPs (-2933) -- 27187 Ranges Banned (-3) || 14146 Inbound -- 90 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [34s]
2019-10-24 05:27:33.000 [#] 130315 IPs (-6928) -- 27190 Ranges Banned (-13) || 13537 Inbound -- 90 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [153s]
2019-10-23 05:25:56.000 [#] 137241 IPs (-7853) -- 27203 Ranges Banned (-57) || 8535 Inbound -- 27 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [51s]
2019-10-22 05:25:51.000 [#] 145093 IPs (+2830) -- 27260 Ranges Banned (+88) || 3283 Inbound -- 3 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [143s]
2019-10-21 09:45:58.000 [#] 142262 IPs (+1035) -- 27172 Ranges Banned (-28) || 9 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [19s]
2019-10-21 05:25:53.000 [#] 141227 IPs (+3746) -- 27200 Ranges Banned (+58) || 640 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [47s]
2019-10-20 05:25:50.000 [#] 137480 IPs (-667) -- 27142 Ranges Banned (-39) || 3099 Inbound -- 34 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [50s]
2019-10-19 05:25:40.000 [#] 138147 IPs (+668) -- 27181 Ranges Banned (-4) || 7225 Inbound -- 69 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [40s]
2019-10-18 05:25:41.000 [#] 137479 IPs (+703) -- 27185 Ranges Banned (+14) || 3340 Inbound -- 28 Outbound Connections Blocked! [banmalware] [41s]
.. which you probably lifted off a google search directing you to, with the exact problem someone else had a year agoSpent quite a few more hours then I'd like to admit tracking down the issue unnecessarily rewriting parts of Skynet, like most complex issues it was mitigated by one simple line of code
It's part of "BanMalware: alienvault_reputation.ipset"Skynet (well one of the block lists) had the ip banned, which is an address of a wellsfargo site. (I couldn't talk to the bank). I fixed by unbanning the ip
firewall unban ip
Now everything works, did this just happen to me? did i inadvertently ban wellsfargo at some point?
Just updated to the latest version and I am getting 'cannot Fork' errors when 'Refreshing Whitelists'.I've pushed v6.9.1
This update fixes an edge case where curl fails to download blacklists due to DNSMasq being overwhelmed by large shared-*-Whitelist files if dns_local_cache is enabled.
Spent quite a few more hours then I'd like to admit tracking down the issue unnecessarily rewriting parts of Skynet, like most complex issues it was mitigated by one simple line of code![]()
Just updated to the latest version and I am getting 'cannot Fork' errors when 'Refreshing Whitelists'.
This appears to be more frequently happening than the previous version !!!???
How do I re-install the previous version ?
wc -l /jffs/shared-*
What is the output of the following command;
Code:wc -l /jffs/shared-*
Joe@Bloggs:/tmp/home/root# wc -l /jffs/shared-*
87 /jffs/shared-Diversion-whitelist
21 /jffs/shared-Skynet-whitelist
14 /jffs/shared-Skynet2-whitelist
122 total
Minor typo, I think:
I updated to 6.9.1. but menue still says:
Skynet Version; v6.9.0 (25/10/2019) (7988e4a64171605ab06fc475ceec5c89)
The output is as follows:
Code:Joe@Bloggs:/tmp/home/root# wc -l /jffs/shared-* 87 /jffs/shared-Diversion-whitelist 21 /jffs/shared-Skynet-whitelist 14 /jffs/shared-Skynet2-whitelist 122 total
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