I guess I am to old then, since re-install from scratch has proven to be the best solution in all the time I worked with Linux and Windows.
Keep in mind, every week or so you already reload all information from all sites (URL/Countries and so on) - so what is the difference?
But I don't see any license, is there any?This script will always be open source and free to use, but if you want to support future development you can do so by Donating With PayPal.
Hello Addam,
On the first page of this Skynet post and on the Github site I read:
But I don't see any license, is there any?
I'm working on a proof of concept based on Skynet and want to respect the license.
If you like the idea it can be used to back port.
I'm not skilled enough to implement it in the full package.
But with the base functions like Load_IPTables, Unload_LogIPTables, etc... I think I will get it working.
The idea is to make use off curl --time-cond (If-Modified-Since header) and only download an ipset if it has changed.
Most websites including https://iplists.firehol.org support this feature.
Then it will only add or update (add temp set, swap and destroy temp set) required ipset's.
With the ipset swap feature Skynet will keep working without any downtime!
This way you can for example check every 30 minutes and only download and update when needed.
I have the first download step ready and working on the rest.
I hope you like the idea.
That is a good oneI never listed an official licence, but I kind of like the sounds of this one
As for modifications, feel free to submit a pull request / POC and we can work from there. Do note though that during the list update process we also do various other things like refreshing whitelists etc. The owner of firehol also requested people update their lists no sooner then 12 hour intervals so keep that in mind.
I will keep that in mind. The overhead with a "If-Modified-Since" request is very low.The owner of firehol also requested people update their lists no sooner then 12 hour intervals so keep that in mind.
That is a good one
I will come back if I have a working version.
I will keep that in mind. The overhead with a "If-Modified-Since" request is very low.
When a request is done with "If-Modified-Since" and there has nothing changes the server only send a "304 Not Modified" header without any content.
WOW! That is very coolSo I had a little free time today and implemented your (-z, --time-cond <time> Transfer based on a time condition) suggestion locally. In the process I happened to stumble across an extremely handy feature added to curl in September (-Z, --parallel Perform transfers in parallel) which has netted some great performance gains along with simplifying a hacky method we used to replicate this previously missing functionality.
Watch this space over the next few days![]()
Load_IPSet () {
if ! ipset -L -n "Skynet-Master" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# create Skynet-Master list:set size 64
if ipset -L -n "$md5" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# create $md5-temp hash:net family inet hashsize 2048 comment
# add $md5-temp comment "Banalware: $name"
# ...
# ipset swap $md5 $md5-temp
# ipset destroy $md5-temp
logger -st Skynet "[i] Swap 00:00:00 $md5 $name"
# create $md5 hash:net family inet hashsize 2048 comment
# add $md5 comment "Banalware: $name"
# ...
# add Skynet-Master $md5
logger -st Skynet "[i] Add 00:00:00 $md5 $name"
File_IDLE () {
sec=$(($(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r $file)))
printf '%02d:%02d:%02d' $(($sec/3600)) $(($sec%3600/60)) $(($sec%60))
download () {
md5="$(echo -n "$url" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')"
if [ ! -f "$file" ] && http_code="$(curl $url -sfL --retry 3 --output "$temp" --write-out %{http_code})" && [ "$http_code" = "200" ]; then
mv "$temp" "$file" # download to temp and move afterward to prevent a half downloaded file
Load_IPSet "$md5" "$name"
elif [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
logger -st Skynet "[*] Download failed $http_code: $url"
elif http_code="$(curl -sfL --retry 3 $url --output "$temp" --time-cond "$cache$md5" --write-out %{http_code})" && [ $http_code = "200" ]; then
mv "$temp" "$file" # download to temp and move afterward to prevent a half downloaded file
Load_IPSet "$md5" "$name"
elif [ "$http_code" = "304" ] && ! ipset -L -n "$md5" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
Load_IPSet "$md5" "$name"
elif [ "$http_code" = "304" ]; then
logger -st Skynet "[i] Fresh $(File_IDLE $file) $md5 $name"
logger -st Skynet "[*] Download failed $http_code: $url"
download 'https://iplists.firehol.org/files/bds_atif.ipset'
download 'https://iplists.firehol.org/files/blocklist_de.ipset'
download 'https://iplists.firehol.org/files/cleantalk_1d.ipset'
Add New Logo
Fix Spacing Issues
Add ASN Whitelisting
Improve Comment Based Whitelist Removal
Cache Malware Blacklists Locally ($sknetloc/lists)
Only Download Malware List If Newer Timestamp (thanks @wbartels for the suggestion)
Replace Parellel Downloads With Native curl Functionality (-Z)
Significicantly Increase Reliability Of Malware List Download/Processing
Significiantly Improve "stats search malware" Lookup Time
My logo doesn't look anything like yours. Mine is rendered like this in putty.View attachment 20363
My putty was already set to UTF-8, still the same issue sir.Looks like putty doesn't use UTF-8 by default, this setting should fix it.
My putty was already set to UTF-8, still the same issue sir.![]()
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