I have had a script add on boondoggle this morning, what fun.
Finaly removed the SSD that was running everything, went back to the USB thumb drive I used before. Had to format it on my Linux box, then was able to format it with AMTM.
Now Skynet thinks it installed, how can I get whatever the @#$%&! causes this removed?!
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# Router Firewall And Security Enhancements #
# By Adamm - https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS #
# 20/02/2020 - v7.1.1 #
Skynet: [*] USB Not Found - Sleeping For 10 Seconds ( Attempt 1 Of 10 )
Skynet: [*] USB Not Found - Sleeping For 10 Seconds ( Attempt 2 Of 10 )
The USB was formatted three times, with a fresh install of AMTM and Diversion.