Senior Member
Actually, one more question - would the merge during banmalware/country updates delete entries that are no longer appear in the lists?I don't blame you, I've made 84 changes in the last week and basically rewritten it twice
Lets say you wanted to update a country list on a regular interval, you could make a cronjob for the command;
Code:/jffs/scripts/firewall ban country "cn jp sa bz"
Lets say we wanted to update this list on the 15th and the 30th of every month, we would add something like the following to the bottom of "/jffs/scripts/firewall-start"
Code:cru a Firewall_BanCountry "0 0 */15 * * /jffs/scripts/firewall ban country "cn jp sa bz""
Did I understand your question correctly?
I found that the lists I use are fairly dynamic. Not only they add things to ban, but also they remove certain entries....