I've been running a jffs script for my SmartThings presence using WiFi. It's been working great. Recently, with Merlin's extraordinary work with AIMesh, I decided to setup my AIMesh Network.
The SmartThings WiFi Presence script is from https://community.smartthings.com/t/release-asuswrt-wifi-presence/37802/1
Whenever my cell phone connects to the node, my SmartThings presence changes to Not Present. Obviously, the jffs script is not running on the node.
My question is... how do I run a jffs script on the AIMesh node?
The SmartThings WiFi Presence script is from https://community.smartthings.com/t/release-asuswrt-wifi-presence/37802/1
Whenever my cell phone connects to the node, my SmartThings presence changes to Not Present. Obviously, the jffs script is not running on the node.
My question is... how do I run a jffs script on the AIMesh node?