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So, what's up with the main site redesign?

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Easy Rhino

Senior Member
So, I hadn't been by the SNB site in a while and noticed the big change in design.... when did it change?

I have one general and one specific feedback.

In general, the new design, while more modern, looks incredibly generic. Unfortunately it reminds me of linkbait clickfarming sites instead of a place with useful content (which it actually has). A less... generic... look would help.

In specific, I didn't see dates any more on the articles. Those are incredibly important. A review from 3 years ago needs to be looked at differently than a fresh one.

Still love the site and forums though!
I hope the site thrives again.. there really are no other sites like it ... I read reviews on some other sites and they are very...lets say ...lacking in details.
I hope the site thrives again.. there really are no other sites like it ... I read reviews on some other sites and they are very...lets say ...lacking in details.
Nice thought, but very unlikely. The new proprietor is not interested in doing reviews himself and it's doubtful he could get anyone to do decent reviews for free. I wish him luck in trying to make money from Google Ads. You need LOTs of traffic to make anywhere decent money.

Dong Ngo is the only independent reviewer still at it AFAIK.

I was very fortunate to be able to do what I enjoyed, for as long as I did and earn a good living from it. The world has moved on to paid YouTube and TikTok "influencers" and Amazon reviews.
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