New Around Here
I need to setup few vlan on my ac3100
I have done in the past perfectly on a netgear wndr4000 with dd-wrt , just I like the asus web gui interface which give more detail
So I'm looking to configure 5 vlan (excluding the vlan2 which is used for the wan connection)
1: is my personnal network
3: parent network
4: guest network
5: retro network (i want to use the wifi and the lan for some oldschool device )
6: kid
each have is own ip range
Port 1 and 2 -> vlan 1
port 3 -> vlan 1,5,6 (an ubuntu server with tagged port support)
port 4 -> vlan 1,3,4,5,6 (a netgear managed switch already set and work fully with my previous router)
i have also to set 4 wireless access point (on both 2.4 and 5 )later, just for now I try only to have the vlan operationnal
-My vlan1 give an IP to everyone on vlan1 include on my netgear switch port assigned on vlan1
-other vlan have no ip
-vlan3 on port 2 can't communicate with vlan3 on the netgear switch if ip is set manually on both computer
-vlan1 on port 1 and the assgned port for this vlan on my netgear switch work fine and can communicate perfectly
So actually only the vlan1 work perfectly
Thanks for your help
So this is my actual config and return
(note: i tested port 8 and 5)
(note1: for test only the port 2 is assigned to vlan3)
I have done in the past perfectly on a netgear wndr4000 with dd-wrt , just I like the asus web gui interface which give more detail
So I'm looking to configure 5 vlan (excluding the vlan2 which is used for the wan connection)
1: is my personnal network
3: parent network
4: guest network
5: retro network (i want to use the wifi and the lan for some oldschool device )
6: kid
each have is own ip range
Port 1 and 2 -> vlan 1
port 3 -> vlan 1,5,6 (an ubuntu server with tagged port support)
port 4 -> vlan 1,3,4,5,6 (a netgear managed switch already set and work fully with my previous router)
i have also to set 4 wireless access point (on both 2.4 and 5 )later, just for now I try only to have the vlan operationnal
-My vlan1 give an IP to everyone on vlan1 include on my netgear switch port assigned on vlan1
-other vlan have no ip
-vlan3 on port 2 can't communicate with vlan3 on the netgear switch if ip is set manually on both computer
-vlan1 on port 1 and the assgned port for this vlan on my netgear switch work fine and can communicate perfectly
So actually only the vlan1 work perfectly
Thanks for your help
So this is my actual config and return
(note: i tested port 8 and 5)
(note1: for test only the port 2 is assigned to vlan3)
##Config Vlan ##
robocfg vlan 1 ports "0 2t 3t 5 7 8t"
robocfg vlan 3 ports "1 2t 3t 8t"
robocfg vlan 4 ports "2t 3t 8t"
robocfg vlan 5 ports "2t 3t 8t"
robocfg vlan 6 ports "2t 3t 8t"
vconfig add eth0 3
vconfig add eth0 4
vconfig add eth0 5
vconfig add eth0 6
## Activation Vlan ##
ifconfig vlan3 up
ifconfig vlan4 up
ifconfig vlan5 up
ifconfig vlan6 up
##bridge config mom ##
brctl addbr br1
brctl stp br1 on
brctl addif br1 vlan3
ifconfig br1 netmask
ifconfig br1 up
##bridge config public ##
brctl addbr br2
brctl stp br2 on
brctl addif br2 vlan4
ifconfig br2 netmask
ifconfig br2 up
##bridge config retro ##
brctl addbr br3
brctl stp br3 on
brctl addif br3 vlan5
ifconfig br3 netmask
##bridge config kid ##
brctl addbr br4
brctl stp br4 on
brctl addif br4 vlan6
ifconfig br4 netmask
ifconfig br4 up
## set in nvram ##
nvram set vlan1ports="0 2t 3t 5 7 8t"
nvram set vlan3ports="1 2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan1_ifnames="vlan3"
nvram set lan1_ifname="br1"
nvram set vlan3hwname=et2
nvram set vlan4ports="2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan2_ifnames="vlan4"
## set in nvram ##
nvram set vlan1ports="0 2t 3t 5 7 8t"
nvram set vlan3ports="1 2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan1_ifnames="vlan3"
nvram set lan1_ifname="br1"
nvram set vlan3hwname=et2
nvram set vlan4ports="2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan2_ifnames="vlan4"
nvram set lan2_ifname="br2"
nvram set vlan4hwname=et2
nvram set vlan5ports="2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan3_ifnames="vlan5"
nvram set lan3_ifname="br3"
nvram set vlan5hwname=et2
nvram set vlan6ports="2t 3t 8t"
nvram set lan4_ifnames="vlan6"
nvram set lan4_ifname="br4"
nvram set vlan6hwname=et2
nvram commit
killall eapd
#assign ip to bridge