Hi Guys,
I am here to report back. This has become very interesting and I thank you for your suggestions and feedback. While I originally thought that something from within my network was leaking DNS, a careful look at tcpdump data shows that was not the case. You can see a remote source IP using port 53 and terminating at my cable modem.
I think the working theory of this being a DNS amplification attack is right on. The victim of the attack does appear to be a company called CloudFlare. In particular, it's DNS servers.
If I take a look at one of the dumps, we can see requests for x99moyu.net. If I run dig against this domain name, I get the following:
# dig +short x99moyu.net NS
Since neither I or this remote IP (from dump) are owned by Cloudflare, we can reasonably assume that one of these IPs is spoofed. Given the victim of the attack (Cloudflare) and how the attack operates, the address most likely being spoofed here is mine!
I did not like the idea of my IP participating in any attack so after a couple of days of watching these requests trickle in, I decide to try ASAT's suggestion about setting up a tripwire on the WAN side of the router. I modified to log any drops so what I ended up with is:
ipset -N bannedhosts iphash
iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m multiport --ports 53 -j SET --add-set bannedhosts src
iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m multiport --ports 53 -j SET --add-set bannedhosts src
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set bannedhosts src -j logdrop
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set bannedhosts dst -j logdrop
iptables -I OUTPUT -m set --match-set bannedhosts src -j logdrop
iptables -I OUTPUT -m set --match-set bannedhosts dst -j logdrop
iptables -I FORWARD -m set --match-set bannedhosts src -j logdrop
iptables -I FORWARD -m set --match-set bannedhosts dst -j logdrop
The bannedhosts ipset shows the following bad actors captured: -->Hong Kong -->Estonia --> Arizona (US) --> Russia --> South Korea --> North Carolina (US) --> Kazakhstan --> China --> Russia --> China --> Brazil
It appears that this x99moyu.net is coming from several sources and not just China but I think they are all related and probably have the same source.
This ipset/iptables combination seems to have resolved the issue from the standpoint that these packets are being dropped as soon as they hit my cable modem.
I hate to ask because I think this will lead me into a deep rabbit hole, but I was wondering if I/we should be taking a more proactive approach to the WAN side of the router in terms of letting your cable modem (or whatever) be susceptible to this kind of activity. Do you think that it would be worth adding more commonly exploited ports to the above iptables so that remote sources trying to access invalid services on my modem are dropped? For example, I don't run a SMTP server, so maybe doing this to port 25 would make sense. The only port I use for remote access is port 1194 for OpenVPN. Would it make sense to try and block all other ports or will that potentially cause more problems than what it is worth?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.