I noticed I was having latency spikes every 30 minutes in connmon. Then I realised I have spdMerlin performing its speedtests at regular intervals. Now I've been shifting with the set intervals and now my spikes are gone and the latency is far more consistent, which I imagine, if they're measured by connmon, they affect my whole LAN.
I'm not sure if others are aware of this and I was wondering, as the ping test takes 60 seconds by default and the speedtests probably a little under a minute plus some additional time to refresh the data and the charts, causing a short cpu load, is there any way to prevent them from running at the same time? Maybe with a lock file? As you can see below, after I shifted the 30 minute interval a bit (it was bit trial and error over the past two days, but I can't think of anything else causing the spikes), the spikes are now completely gone as of 2pm this afternoon. I've set the speed test interval to 10 and 40 minutes after the hour, but of course, as soon as I reboot and connmon will automatically start when it's active, it might be active again, as it doesn't run on set times, only intervals (3 min default). It would be nice if both scripts could work together to not get in each others way, assuming the spikes are indeed cause by the overlap in activity of both scripts.
I'm not sure if others are aware of this and I was wondering, as the ping test takes 60 seconds by default and the speedtests probably a little under a minute plus some additional time to refresh the data and the charts, causing a short cpu load, is there any way to prevent them from running at the same time? Maybe with a lock file? As you can see below, after I shifted the 30 minute interval a bit (it was bit trial and error over the past two days, but I can't think of anything else causing the spikes), the spikes are now completely gone as of 2pm this afternoon. I've set the speed test interval to 10 and 40 minutes after the hour, but of course, as soon as I reboot and connmon will automatically start when it's active, it might be active again, as it doesn't run on set times, only intervals (3 min default). It would be nice if both scripts could work together to not get in each others way, assuming the spikes are indeed cause by the overlap in activity of both scripts.